🌸 Daki x Reader 🌸

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🌸 Fluff
I knew you loved me
Request: (no-one)
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: Slight mention of blood


Daki POV

I hit her with a large and puffy pillow. She shrieked and scrambled up, "Wha-? Who-"

She noticed me. I grinned and giggled, "You're so cute when you sleep, (Y/N)-chan!"

(Y/N) pouted, "I'm not cute! I'm fierce!" She balled her hands into fists and punched the air. This only made me laugh even more.

"Stop laughing!"

Eventually, she stopped and stood up, "Come on, get up! I'm hungry and I want to go devour some boys with youuu!" Daki whined.

I rolled my eyes and threw the covers off of me, "I'm coming, I'm coming."

~Breath of Time~
/Second Form, Laziness/

I wiped the blood off of the corner of my mouth and glanced at Daki. Her eyes showed pure enjoyment at devouring the boy.

"What were you, starving?" I asked.

She glanced at me, "As a matter-of-fact, yes."

My eyes twitched and an irk mark appeared on my forehead, "Why couldn't you go out yourself?"

"Because..." she paused, looking like she was in deep thought.

I raised an eybrow, "Because...?"

"Because you only ate one human last night. And I thought you'd be hungry by now."

Now it was my turn to think, "No, not really."

Daki's mouth made an 'o' shape and stared at me with awe. Then she gripped me by the shoulders and started shaking my violently, "GIRL HOW!?!??!?"





After a long shouting session, Daki let me go, "Come on, let's go." I told her, walking away from what was left of my meal.

She soon followed after, bringing the hood of my cloak up and her own, "Don't forget about your disguise!" She scolded, punching me in the arm playfully.

I rubbed my shoulder and rolled my eyes, smirking, "Whatever. Not like it was your idea in the first place."

Daki put a hand to her chest and gasped, showing fake offence, "I didn't know you could be so rude, (Y/N)-chan!"

"Yes, yes you did." I deadpanned.

We walked in silence for a bit. I was fiddling around with my cloak and staring at the ground.

Me and Daki, being the best of friends, rarely ever had a moment around each other when we didn't speak. It was a little awkward, whenever we did.

"(Y/N)." I stopped. Daki's tone was odd. It almost sounded... serious.


"You won't leave me, will you?"

I looked back at her. She was staring down at the floor, playing with her fingers.

My gaze softened, and I wrapped my arms around her waist (being considerable shorter than her), "I would never."

Daki started vibrating, from what I realised was laughter. I let go of her and looked up.

"You're so cute, (Y/N)-chan!" I knew you cared!"

My face reddened, "S-shut up!"

"But it's true!"

At least three irk marks appeared on my forehead, "Run."

I chased her across he path we had been walking on. I was a lot faster than Daki, so I was catching up to her.

"W-wait! (Y/N) stop! Am sorryyyyyy!" Daki shrieked as I got closer.

"No mercy!"

With that said, I jumped on Daki, essentially flattening her, "I win." I said, smirking.

Daki wheezed, "I knew you loved me."


A/N: Help, running out of ideas :,(

Word Count: 587

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