🥀 Kanao x Reader 🥀

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🥀 Angst
I haven't even said it back yet
Request: (no-one)
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: Blood, Injury Detail


Third Person POV

That was all Kanao could think of.

To run and not stop until she reached them.

From what her crow had told her, (Y/N) was in need of immediate assistance. They were currently fighting a very strong demon.

Uppermoon Two.

Kanao POV
My heart was most likely beating faster than I was running, which was very fast.

I knew what Uppermoon Two had done to my master's sister, Kanae. Because of this, it made me worry even more.

The thought of which I was trying so hard not to think of came to my mind like a bullet, 'What if I'm too late?'

Shaking my head, I decided to just focus on getting to them before the worst happened.

Once I got there, it was awfully quiet. I stopped running and crept around cautiously, slowly regaining my stamina as I walked.

I didn't have to be Tanjiro to notice the scent of blood to my right. I turned my head in the direction, and walked towards it.

After I arrived, I found myself at what appeared to be a fishing dock. There were female corpses lying one on top of the other, abandoned.

The demon wasn't there.

So where was (Y/N)?

None of the corpses looked like them. I was searching for them in a panicked state when I heard a faint coughing noise.

My eyes wide, I turned to face the source of the noise.

And my heart dropped.

There they were. I ran to them and held them on my lap. There was a large wound on their chest. I felt something wet and warm and looked at my hand.

I was met with the sight of blood.

(Y/N) was bleeding from the other side, which could have only meant one thing.

The wound had burst their lungs.

(Y/N) couldn't breathe.

"K-Kanao..." (Y/N) coughed weakly.

"Don't speak, just save your strength. I am sure that Master can help you..." I replied desperately.

"Just... l-listen."

My attention was peaked and I looked down at (Y/N), tears stinging my eyes.

"Y-you know that I... cannot b-be helped..."

"Please, don't say that..."

"Kanao. I j-just want to say..." (Y/N) gasped for air, "I-I love you..."

And with that, the hand I was holding went cold, and my face paled as the tears finally fell.

(Y/N) (L/N) was dead.

Once again, the demon which me and my master despised the most had killed someone I held close to my heart.

When I spoke, my voice was broken and shaky, "W-wake up. Please. (Y/N)? I haven't even said it back yet..."


A/N: Sorry I didn't write this sooner.

Word Count: 480

KNY One shots (REQUESTS CLOSED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora