💖 Douma x Reader 💖

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💖 Platonic Relationship
For a young one
Request: (no-one)
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: Poverty


Douma POV
I was walking around the quiet town. It was night time, and I was wondering around looking for a meal.

That was when I heard a noise. I stopped and looked around curiously. The noise wasn't loud enough to tell what it was.

Without any regard for what was making the noise, I followed it. And so, I came to a narrow alleyway. It was quite dirty.

It was cold, and I could practically hear my stomach rumbling. For a small child, I was pretty skinny.


Because I was poor. And my parents had died from illness, and we could have never afforded treatment.

So I was alone. Living on the streets in the rat infested alleyways, hoping to wake up the next morning to still see the sun and not the skies of heaven.

Making me jump, I hear a noise. It was a voice, "Hello~?"

I shook with fear, "Is anyone there~?"

Still refusing to answer, I stayed completely silent - not even daring to breathe.

All of a sudden, a person with a strong figure plucked me from my hiding spot and I stared him in the eyes with my wide and fearful ones.

His eyes were rainbow, and had weird symbols that looked like pupils. He had a huge smile of his face; it was almost disturbing.

"Oh, you're a little one~!" He said, sounding cheerful, "You're a little small... hm... I think I'll keep you!"

'Keep... me?'

~Breath of Time~
/Second Form, Laziness/

We arrived at a place that the man (who I now knew as Douma) called the so-called 'Infinity Fortress'.

I had a bad feeling, and didn't want to go. But, obviously, I didn't tell Douma that.

He carried me inside and I got the chance to see my surroundings. The place was very big, and I could hear the sound of a biwa playing.

There were other people as well. As soon as me and Douma had entered, they all looked at us. Specifically me.

I glanced at Douma, who wasn't fazed in the slightest.

Turning away from the strange people, I nested my head on his shoulder and clenched my eyes shut.

I heard Douma talking to another one of the strange people, "Why did you bring it here!?"

"Well, why not? After all, it seemed quite lonely~"

"It's a human! Most of all a small one! A... what do they call it?... a child!"

"But Akaza-"

"Just dispose of it!"

Suddenly, the same annoyed voice (who was apparently called Akaza) that had been speaking with Douma grabbed me by the back of my neck.

He pulled me away from Douma and forced me too look at him. He had short pink hair and tattoos all over his body. He looked really angry.

Douma POV
When Akaza took the little human away from me, I saw the 'child's fear. And something about that look made my blood boil.

It was a strange feeling. No... the fact that it was a feeling was strange on its own.

Clenching my fist, I felt an irk mark appear on my forehead and my teeth grit together.

Suddenly, Akaza was about to throw the small human. And something inside of me snapped.

I was no longer showing that pathetic fake smile. My fist collided with Akaza's head and he flew back - hitting the wall quite hard.

I caught the little human, and held it close in a protective way. When Akaza started getting up, I placed it down on the floor and strode over to him.

Grabbing him by the shoulders, I made him look me in the eyes, "Know your place, you fool."

~Breath of Time~
/Second Form, Laziness/

Sitting on the bed, the human laid down in my arms. It- I mean he- wasn't sleeping. Even though sleep was crucial for a human.

"Why won't you sleep, little one~?"

"Uhm... w-well... I was wondering if I c-could ask f-favour..."

"Anything, little one."

"So... I haven't talked to anyone in a while... and I've forgotten what my name is..."

"That's okay~ I am going to name you. Hm... how about... (Y/N)?"

(Y/N)'s eyes lit up at that, and he nodded furiously, "Thank you Mister!"

I smiled, but this time, it was genuine. I wasn't hiding behind a mask this time, "Yeah~ anything For a little one."


A/N: See if you can spot the JJK reference I made in here ;)

Word Count: 768

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