🌸 Daki x Reader 🌸

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🌸 Fluff
Stop being cute
Request: HantraxHF
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: (none)


Daki POV
Being a powerful demon was great and all, but sometimes, it was pretty boring. I mean, what else was there to do other than eat humans and just be superior?

Nothing. Well, except from taunting demon slayers and that, but otherwise, nothing. Sure, I had Oni-chan to keep me company. But...

He could be pretty boring as well.

So that day, I decided to do something about the torture of such boredom.

The Master had introduced a new demon to us. Apparently, he was powerful enough to share the rank of Uppermoon Three with Akaza.

And what of him? Well, I was going to flirt with him. Why? Because boredom makes even us demons do the strangest and most questionable things.

I began to look for him, but I couldn't seem to find him anywhere. It was really frustrating. Until I saw him speaking to Akaza.

(Y/N) had (H/L) (H/C) hair and (F/C) eyes. He was quite tall, might I say [A/N: If you're not tall, just pretend you are].

Despite his appearance, he was pretty quiet, and I had only seen him talk to Akaza and Kokushibou (only once, when he was telling him where his kimono was).

I walked up to (Y/N). When he didn't acknowledge me, I pouted and tapped him on the shoulder. He stopped talking and turned to me.

"Can I help you, Daki?" He asked with the usual monotone.

"Nothing much."

He raised an eyebrow, "Then what do you need?"

"Just to tell you that..." I whispered the last part, so only (Y/N) could hear it. I smirked when a flustered look overcame his emotionless features.

"Whatever..." he muttered, walking away.

Akaza glanced at me, and then (Y/N), and back at me, "What did you say to him??"

Smiling, I shook my head, "That's only for him to know..."

~Breath of Time~
/First Form, One Week/

Third Person POV
For seven days, Daki continued to flirt with the oblivious (Y/N). Every time, (Y/N) would just walk away.

Daki had found the cure to her boredom, and found other feelings also.

(Y/N) was just confused, and wasn't sure what to do. He had asked Akaza about it but neither he could provide a solution.

Poor (Y/N) was too shy to ask anyone else.

So, he decided to confront Daki about this new 'enjoyment'.

As per usual, Daki walked over to (Y/N) and tapped him on his shoulder. However, it was different this time.

Instead of asking Daki what she wanted from him, he said two simple words, "Stop it."

Daki was confused, "Stop what?"

(Y/N) turned to face Daki and looked down at her. He wrapped his arms around her in a hug and whispered, just as she did the day it started.

"Stop being cute..."


A/N: I literally can't think of any pick-up lines, so I just implied it instead.

Word Count: 511

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