Just a Poke

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Summary: When Reader's brother struggles to face his fear, Spencer shows up.

"Shoot me now," you groaned, opening the next page of assignments to do. "Here we go."

You were hardly awake as you continued 'reading' the articles on the screen in front of you when a voice interrupted you.

"Y/N," the boy croaked.

You turned around. "B/N?"

"I don't feel so good," he whispered, his hair matted to a sweating forehead.

You shut the computer, quickly walking over and kneeling to meet your brother's height. "Is it your tummy?" You felt his forehead, wincing. "How bad?"

"I dunno," he murmured between sniffles.

"You gotta talk to me, okay?" B/N put his arms around you, leaning over your shoulder. "B/N?"


"B/N, what are you doing?" You moved him from your shoulder. "B/N? B/N?!"

"He'll be alright. Must've caught a pretty severe bug at school, does he have his flu shot?" The doctor looked up from his chart.

"I don't know," you murmured, glancing at your bother, who was now toying around with the paper he was sitting on.

"You're his mother and don't know his vaccination status?"

"He's my younger brother." You exhaled. "Our mother isn't known for her responsibility. Do you have his records?"

The doctor motioned for the nurse to grab them. "If he's lacking proper vaccinations, we'll need those done tonight."

"I understand."

"Y/N?" B/N whispered, looking at you. "Needles?"

"No, no, no!" You cupped just face. "It doesn't hurt, I promise."

He shook his head quickly. "I don't wanna!"

"You might not need to! It'll be fine."

The nurse walked in, handing the files to the doctor. "He's missing some vital vaccines, Ms. L/N."

You pursed your lips. "Could we come back—"

"It's urgent."

B/N quickly got up, running out of the room.

"B/N! No—I'm so sorry, Dr. Valdez! He's so afraid of needles and—"

"Don't worry, Ms. L/N. We've seen worse. Go find him and come back."

"Thank you!" You quickly hurried after him.

Spencer paced outside of the hospital room. "Hotch—"

"Allison Mackey is still in surgery, and Camila DeLeon isn't awake yet." Hotch looked at the boy. "It'll be some time, you can go home."

"I want to make sure they wake up first."

Hotch nodded. "The rest of the team went to get sleep, I'll be in there still."

"I can't join?" Spencer furled his brows.

Hotch shook his head. "Restrictions until they're both up."

"I got it."

"Sorry, Reid." Hotch pat his back. "I'll call you."

"Bye." Spencer exhaled, pacing again. His thoughts were interrupted by a little boy running past. "Uh, kid? Kid!" Spencer looked around for any sort of parent, opting to find the kid.

He entered the waiting room to find him in a small chair in the corner. "Hey..."

"Get it away from me!" B/N buried his face in his knees.

Spencer Reid: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now