Car Sick

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Summary: Reader is incredibly motion sick and gets caught in an interesting situation during an intense unsub takedown, but Spencer is there to help.
Warning: Mentions of vomit, guns, speed chase, near-car crash.

"Garcia, check records of anyone working in the tech industry, they've obviously got enough skill to be able to hijack a car control," Hotch instructed.

"Okay, be more specific...there's a lot of car worker people out there."

"Uh...lost a maternal figure at a young age." Emily glanced around.

"The shovel's in the ground, but I can't dig yet. More please!"

You thought for a moment. "Maybe it was a hit and run, just like how he's making these model citizens hit people. His mother must've done some work for the community and gotten hit."

"Okay..." The loud sounds of her typing played though the speaker. "Y/N L/N, where have you been all this time? You are a genius! Meet Charlie Warren, he's 27, his mother was indeed a beloved volunteer at various homeless shelters and other charities until she was...oh...hit and killed by a driver who supposedly lost control of their car."

"It's gotta be our guy," Rossi murmured.

"Oh it definitely is," Penelope chimed in. "It was 20 years since she died last week."

"When the car crashes began..." JJ pointed out.

"We need an address."

"Sending work and home now."

"Morgan, Y/N, Reid, take work. Everyone else, we'll go to the home."

You nodded, grabbing the vest from the table and jogging after the rest of the team.

"We're on our way," Derek said, the rest of the team on speaker.

"We're 5 minutes out from Charlie's apartment."

"We should be arriving in 7 minutes and 32 seconds," Spencer added. "Based on current speeds."

"Thanks, kid."

You shook your head, smiling slightly. "There! Aaron!"

You furled your brows. "Morgan, where are you?!"


"Walnut and Greencrest," Spencer interjected.

"Charlie's coming your way, dark green van—"

"There!" You called out, pointing behind you.

Derek swerved the car around. "We're going after him, Hotch!"

"We'll try and get to you."

The phone cut out as Derek made another swerving maneuver, your stomach flipping. I hate rollercoasters. You intentionally avoided them, always claiming you didn't have time or had to use the bathroom or something. The truth was, you were motion sick beyond belief.

"HOLD ON!" Derek pushed the pedal to the floor of the car, the SUV speeding down the road as you and Spencer sat in the back. You squeezed the handle, closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths.

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