My Theory of Everything

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Summary: Spencer attempts to confess his feelings to the reader in the only way he can think of, through science.

You bit your lip, your eyes scanning the chess board. "Why is this so complicated?"

"It really isn't, you just have to move—"

"Oh shut up," you replied, moving your knight. Spencer immediately captured it. "Fuck."

"Language," Morgan called from the other end of the office.

"Fuck off!"

"Agent Y/L/N," Hotch said, walking by.

"Ahem..." Spencer snickered, biting his lip to avoid laughing louder. "I hate you."



"Do I need to bring back the swear jar?"

"Sorry, dad." You rolled your eyes, moving your bishop.

Spencer grinned slightly, moving his own bishop. "Mate."



"You're so not sorry."

"Wow, you should look into profiling."

"White male, late 20's, raging superiority complex, and a horrible taste in bow ties." You smirked, pulling at the clashing bow tie around his neck. Spencer swallowed, hoping you wouldn't notice the pink shade rising to his cheeks. "I've gotta go, I have a report due today."

"See you later."

"Bye," you said, getting up. "I'll crush you next time."

"You say that every time."

"I mean it, Doc."

"Sure you do." You rolled your eyes, leaving the room. "Bye!" Spencer shook his head, looking down at the papers in front of him. Emily rolled her chair over. "Hi..."

"You like her."


"Oh come on."

"I do not."

"You 100% do."

"You aren't me."

"I've seen you almost everyday for nearly 6 years, and I study behavior. You're whipped for Y/N."

"So what if I am?"

"So when are you going to ask her out?"

"I can't do that."


"Because we work together."

"She's in another unit, who cares?"


"I think you're just too scared to do it."

"I am not!"

"Then tell her."


"I don't know, go up to her and say 'Hey, girl. I think you're fine, let's go make out."

"Emily, I swear—"

"I'm kidding. Just tell her straight up, the worst she can say is no."


"But she won't because she's totally into you too."

"Says who?"

"Oh you know, the aversion to eye contact, the playing with the hair, flushed cheeks, dilated pupils—"

Spencer Reid: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now