Ghost Stories

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Summary: Reader and Spencer decide to go camping, but an urban legend freaks Reader out.

"I really don't understand why you're so adamant about this, Y/N."

You tossed a backpack into the back of the car. "Camping is a good way to bond."

"We've been dating for 3 years..." Spencer raised an eyebrow.

"Shut up, we're doing this." You closed the trunk, sighing in relief. "Right, let's get this show on the road."

"Yeah alright."

You sat in the driver's seat. "Okay, GPS, where are we going?"

"You can't talk to the GPS—"

"You're the GPS, idiot."


You groaned. "Just start me off."

"Okay uh well we gotta get onto the highway and head North."

"Sweet alright." You started up the car, pulling out.

"You're sure we can't just go to a hotel or something..?"


Spencer sighed. "Alright."

"C'mon, trees and stuff!" You grinned at him.

Your smile always got him. "Fine, fine."

"Hooray!" You switched on the radio, turning the volume up to the max. "BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD—"

Spencer cut you off, turning the volume down significantly.


"Loud music can make a person react 20% slower than usual."

You grit your teeth. "Is that so?"

"This is a safe volume." He smiled.

"You're like my grandma."

"But yet you still love me."

"Not if you keep turning down the goddamn radio."

"Fine, I'll turn it up." He moved the dial up 1 number. "There."

"That didn't do shit!"

"I still turned it up."

"I will turn this car around."

"I'm looking out for your safety!"

"You better look out for your own because my fist—"

"Take a right."

"Oh oopsie," you said, turning the car. "How much longer?"

"Based on traffic patterns and taking the winding roads into account...3 hours and 42 minutes."


"We've been driving for 10 minutes."

"Longest ones of my life."

"Can I do anything..?"

You sighed. "We can't make out while driving, can we?"

"Tempting but no."


"Oh! We can talk about our days!"

"Are we 70?"



"I spy?"

"Good god."

Spencer Reid: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now