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Summary: Rossi's illustrator and Spencer get caught in multiple undesirable encounters.

"I see someone's rent has gone up." A small smirk played on Spencer's lips as he knocked on Rossi's doorframe.

Rossi rolled his eyes, looking up from the pile of papers on his desk. "I could pay for your entire life with a single on of these books."

Spencer raised an eyebrow. "Scary monster, profiling monster, cake."

"My publisher suggested we try to appeal to a children's demographic..."


"It's a growing market!"

"So you're going from writing about details of true crime cases to...profiling a monster who steals cake."

"Oh, steals cake! That's good." Rossi scribbled a few things down.

"Oh my god."

"Shoo, I'm meeting with a pretty distinguishing children's book illustrator tomorrow. She's a big deal—don't embarrass me." Rossi paused. "That goes for you too, Garcia."

Penelope poked her head through the door. "I'm offended by that! Come on, Reid."

"Maybe you can make the monster bright pink."

"Go, Reid," Rossi groaned.

Spencer snickered to himself, heading back to his desk.

Spencer sat on the subway, flipping through his book as he read. The tube came to a halt, a young woman sitting down next to him with various sketchbooks piled on top of each other in her arms. He couldn't help but glance at them as she flipped through—they were good.

He sat quietly, reading while drinking his coffee. The subway suddenly came to a screeching halt, Spencer and others grabbing onto handles as fast as possible.

"No!" You gasped, coffee splattering on the sketch of a cartoon monster, the pencil marks mixing with the brown liquid and staining the page. "No, no, no..."

Spencer covered his mouth. "I am so sorry, I didn't even—"

You ran a hand through your hair. "Shit, shit, god dammit!"

"Is there anything I can do? I feel awful and—"

"You've done enough," you snapped, quickly regretting how harsh you were to a stranger. "I—"

"I understand, I am so sorry..."

You exhaled, standing up and getting off as the sign blinked your stop's name. Spencer bit his lip, watching you leave with coffee dripping from the pages.

"Have you guys seen Rossi?" Spencer asked, walking over to Derek and Emily.

"I think he's with the illustrator or something."

"Yeah, I know. I just need to drop him this file quickly, it's important."

Derek motioned to the closed blinds of his office. "I'd assume they're in there."

Spencer headed up to the office, knocking on the door.

"In a meeting!"

"It's Reid, I have the files from earlier."

"Excuse me," Rossi said to whoever was in the room. "Yeah, bring them in quickly."

Spencer opened the door, nearly dropping the folders upon seeing the very woman he spilled coffee on.


"Ahem, here." He hesitated.

"Oh, Reid! This is the illustrator I was talking about, Y/N L/N. Ms. L/N, this is Dr. Spencer Reid, our resident genius."

Spencer Reid: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now