Rollercoaster Of Emotions

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Summary: Garcia invites the team out to a theme park for a day off, much to a very motion sick Reader and Spencer's dismay.

"Penelope, we're not 12," you stated, crossing your arms.

"Amusement parks are timeless things, Y/N!"

"I'm with Y/N in this one," Spencer murmured.

"That sounds like an excuse that someone with a fear of rollercoasters would say."

"Oooh," JJ whispered. "Burn."

"I'm not scared of rollercoasters!"

"Me either!" You jumped back in. "I love them actually, mhm!"

"Super easy, I could do them in my sleep." Spencer nodded quickly.

"Then you'll definitely come this weekend, right?" Penelope tilted her head innocently. "Gotta use our day off well."

You and Spencer exchanged glances. "Obviously!"

"Hooray! The whole gang except for mom and dad are going."

"I said to stop calling me that!" Rossi called out.

"Never," Emily replied, grinning.

"I will see all of you on Saturday." Penelope smiled excitedly, running off.

You faked a smile, internally panicking at what you had just gotten yourself into. "Excited?"

You looked up at Spencer. "Heh...yeah!"

Even she likes rollercoasters? I'm screwed. "Yeah...same."

Spencer isn't afraid? I'm gonna look so stupid. "See you then!" You hurried off, your stomach already dropping.

You grimaced at the sounds of screams and wheels rolling through the metal structures all over the place. "Looks fun?"

"Yeah, fun..." Spencer opted to not even look at the rides to spare his stomach.

"Hey!" Penelope skipped over, Derek walking behind her. "I can't believe you both showed."

"Pshhh, of course we did! We love these things. Right, Spence?"


"Awesome. Ooh! Jayge, Em!"

You winced at the kid vomiting at the edge of a ride. "Woohoo."

"Let's go on that! It's got a 250 foot drop!"

Your eyes widened. "No!" Everyone faced you, looking confused. "We should start small and build up, it makes it more uh intense!"

"Good idea!" Emily agreed.

You sighed in relief, Spencer internally thanking you. You could be spared for at least another hour or two.

The group got off of a ride. "Man..."

"That was—"

"So boring," Derek yawned.

I was gonna say horrifying. "Heh, yeah."

"So boring..." Spencer gulped when he saw the rides further down the park.

You continued to force yourself through various rides, each time growing more and more weary, nearly vomiting a few times. "God, we're finally getting to the good ones," JJ said, clapping.

"Those weren't—" You bit back vomit. "—good ones?"

She chuckled. "Not compared to those."

Your eyes followed where she pointed, various drops, loops, and speeding carts catching your eye. "Of course."

Spencer Reid: OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant