Lingual Barriers

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Summary: The team is dying to meet Spencer's girlfriend, but they don't know that Reader isn't exactly fluent in English.
Italics mean a character is speaking in whichever language you choose  (Y/L-your language)

"Reid, there's no point in hiding her from us!" Derek jogged to catch up to him. "We know you've got a lady friend."

He groaned. "There's no proof."

"My god, we all know it. You've been all squirrelly, and Garcia saw you out with a woman so..."

"She was mom's friend."

"Who was holding your hand?"

Spencer bit his lip. "Yes?"

"Reid, I don't want you to feel like you have to hide this kind of thing from us." He was quiet. "Really, kid. If there's someone new in your life for you to talk to...I just wanna know who she is. She's gotta be one hell of a woman to keep up with you." The smile that formed on his face gave it away. "So?"

Spencer sighed. "I'll talk to her."

Derek grinned. "So there is a she?"


"And I get to meet her?"

"We'll see." He grabbed his bag. "Don't tell anyone."

"Lips are sealed." Spencer headed out the glass doors, Derek immediately rushing to Penelope's office. "Reid's got a girlfriend!"

She shot up. "REID'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND?!"

Rossi poked his head in the doorway. "Did I just hear Reid has a girlfriend?"

"I'm back." Spencer walked in, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

"Hey, how was work?"

"Good...can I ask you something?"

You opened the cabinet, placing a few dishes inside. "Shoot."

"One of my coworkers figured out I have a girlfriend."

You paused. "Okay..."

"He wants me to introduce you to everyone." You nodded. "How would you feel about that?"

You thought for a moment. "Would it make you happy?"


"You know I want to meet your friends and your family, but I only want to do it if you're okay with it."

"Y/N, I don't want anything more than to tell everyone how much I love you." He held your hand, rubbing circles on the back of it.

"Then I want to."

He smiled, kissing you gently. "They'll love you."

You giggled. "I hope so."

"If they don't, I'll quit the team."

Spencer Reid: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now