(Semi) Star-Crossed Lovers

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Summary: Reader stresses over their future after an unexpected moment between themself and Spencer and may possibly be blowing it out of proportion.

"Good morning," Spencer said in a sing-song voice, placing a coffee on your desk.

You rubbed your eyes. "Hey."

"Geez, what happened to you?"

"Wow thanks." You exhaled. "I fell asleep here."

"Are you serious?"

You nodded slowly, yawning. "I had to finish everything."

"I'm sorry."

You shrugged. "It could be way worse."


"Strauss could've found out." You grinned mischievously.

"Oh yeah, I see how that could be bad."

"If you'll excuse me, I need to go load up on 5 hour energies—"

"Nope." He grabbed your wrist, a slight tingle going through your body.

"I've got more work, Spencer."

"And you're not doing it until you sleep."

"I'm fine."

"Your eye bags are worse than usual."

"So? I have dark circles."

"These are dark circles," he motioned to his own eyes. "You're exhausted."

You groaned. "I can't nap in my office."

"I'll guard the door."

"Not happening."

"I'm serious."

"You sound stupid." You began leaving the office.

"By not getting enough sleep, you run the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, trouble thinking, diabetic risks, and unnatural weight gain."

You groaned. "30 minutes."

He smiled. "30 it is."

You sat down in your chair, awkwardly placing your head in your arms. "I don't think this is going to work."

"That position isn't good for your neck anyways."

"Then where do I go?" He motioned to the larger chair he was sitting in. "No."

"Why? It'd actually be a lot better for your posture." It was partially true, he just secretly wanted you to sleep on his shoulder. "Plus it's scientifically proven that physical contact is a good way to fall asleep and relax."

"What so I'm supposed to like touch you?"

He flushed. "Not what I meant. I just mean that your body's subconscious response to being near me—"

"I got it." You reluctantly sat down next to him. "What are you doing?"


"Reading what?"

"Romeo and Juliet."

You snickered. "For real?"


"No, no. I just didn't peg you for a romance type of guy."

"The plot of the novel goes far beyond just their romance."

"I guess, I just kind of assumed you'd be more into other types of books."

He shrugged. "I like Shakespeare, and I like Romeo and Juliet."

Spencer Reid: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now