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Summary: Reader and Spencer find themselves in an awkward position after Reader's roommates come home earlier than intended.
Warning: Implied intercourse

Dating Spencer had been like a dream. You had never had much luck in that department, but everything about Spencer being your boyfriend was as close to perfect as something could get. You had the biggest crush on him when you first saw him while you were volunteering in the library. You remembered him nervously asking you where to find a section on John Locke, how you both dove into a discussion about philosophy since you were taking the class to work on your law degree, and how he always made an effort to talk to you and come into the library on days you volunteered. You came to the conclusion that you were down bad for him after seeing a girl from one of his classes try and make a move on him during one of your shifts—it had taken every ounce of your self control to not go over and interrupt. What you didn't know about Spencer was that he was a profiler, and he could tell you were jealous of her.

"I don't understand why you're ignoring me, Y/N."

"I wouldn't want to mess up what you have going with her," you snapped back.

"The only her I'm concerned with is you!"

"What does that even mean?!"

"It means I like you!"

You paused. "Me?"

"Yes, you."

"Like like me?"

Spencer laughed at your rather childish response. "Yes, like like you."

"Oh...OH!" He gave you a smile that made you melt, a smile you hoped to see more often.

And you did see it more often. The two of you had been dating for 4 months now, getting up to various things from reading together until 2 in the morning, visiting museums all over DC, once actually breaking into an abandoned library—your suggestion—and simply enjoying each other's company. You never really realized you had needed someone like that in your life until you finally had him. You guys were close, that was no secret—it sort of was though, you were hiding it from your roommates and his team—but that's beside the point.

But lately you had noticed a strange tension, little glances while you snuggled up watching a movie, small touches as you studied together, the littlest things that for a moment made you want something more than a simple kiss. You were sure Spencer noticed too, so you were kind of nervous every time you two met up. What if he isn't ready for that? Am I ready?

You sighed, the sound of a knock at your door snapping you out of it. Spencer rarely came over since you lived with 3 other girls, but they were all off at some party that night, and you were positive they would end up at various other homes and in other beds. Therefore, you decided to invite him over to watch a movie or something. Watching movies was a casual thing for you both, but you felt a strange need to dress up slightly nicer than usual. What if it's too much? Too late, Y/N. "Hey!"

Spencer smiled. "Hi."

"Come in, come in." You shut the door behind him. "Sorry, 4 girls doesn't always mean cleanliness."

"It's actually really orderly for a shared place."

"All me, I'm the clean one."

Spencer Reid: OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz