The City of Love

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Summary: After getting lost in the middle of Paris, Reader helps a woman find her son, who happens to be quite a wonderful guy.

Paris, arguably one of the most beautiful cities in the world. You had lived there after returning to France from university in the states, but you grew up in Lyon. Your life was organized, it was a routine, you knew what you needed to get done and when and did so accordingly. That's who you were, that's who you were raised to be. However, you did secretly long for something...rather break said routine. So as you left work that afternoon, biking back as rain began to fall on the city, something stood out to you. It was a woman walking around cluelessly, searching for something. You frowned, getting off the bike. "Mademoiselle?" The woman didn't respond. "Ma'am?"

She looked at you. "I can't find my son!"

You jogged over. "Your son?"

She paused. "You speak English?"

You nodded, smiling. "Fluently. Where did you last see him?"

She thought for a moment. "I-I forgot."

"Ah...okay. Uh well, can you describe where you've gone today?" She has to be a tourist.

"There was uh there was this uh...oh! It had a lot of paintings."

"The Louvre?"

"I'm not sure."

"It's pretty close by, why don't we go back and see if he's there?"

She nodded. "Thank you so much."

"Here, there's room on my bike. Just hold onto my waist, alright?"

"Okay." The woman's grip was surprisingly strong.

"May I ask your name?"

"Diana Reid."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N Y/L/N."

"My son is probably very worried..."

"Don't worry, Diana. We'll find him, okay?" Her grip tightened. You maneuvered the bike around crowds of people, many swearing at you.

"What are they saying?"

You coughed. "Uh they like your shoes."

"How sweet!"

You smiled nervously. "So sweet." You both got off a street over, not really wanting to get fined for having a bike over there. "Tell me if you see him, alright?"

"Got it."

You were searching for a little boy on his own, which wasn't easy since there were kids all over the place. "What is he wearing?"

"I think his shirt was...grey?"

"Okay...helpful." You kept looking around. Plain grey on a little boy? Not a common sight.

"Mom! Oh my god, there you are!" You turned around, slightly surprised to see a grown man. Nonetheless, a very attractive one.

"Oh, Spencer! I found you!"

He exhaled. "I was so scared."

"Look at this nice girl I met, she helped me find you." You smiled awkwardly.

"Merci pour votre aide," the man said, smiling at you gratefully. "J'apprécie." Thank you for your help, I appreciate it.

"I speak English."


You laughed. "But uh your French is very good."

"I-I could say the same about your English."

Spencer Reid: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now