Small World

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Summary: Nurse Y/N has a surprise encounter with her an old acquaintance while caring for a patient.
Warning: Mention/use of medical drugs, schizophrenia

"Morning, Y/N."

"How are you, Dr. Oake?"

"Good, you?"

You placed your bag down in your little storage unit. "I'm alright."

"Did you get the schedule change notice?"

"No, is everything alright?"

"Oh yeah, it's fine. There was an incident with a few patients last night, so everyone is getting their shifts moved. You're with...Diana Reid now."

"Schizophrenia, right?"

"Yeah, I have all of her information here. If she's telling the truth, her son should be here today."

"Got it." You took the folder, smiling. "I'll go now." Reid. Reid. Reid. Where have I heard that before? You headed up to the third floor, making your way down the hall. You tapped your fist to the door. "Mrs. Reid?"

"I'm reading."

You peeled your head inside. "Hi."

"You're not Roseanne."

"No, I'm Y/N. I'm filling in today."

The woman tilted her head, scanning you. "You're a pretty thing."

"Oh thank you, ma'am." You handed her a tray. "I have your medication."

"I don't want it," she mumbled.

You bit your lip. "May I ask why?"

"It never helps."

You sat down next to her. "Can I make a deal with you?"

Diana looked up. "A deal?"

"Take your medicine just like the doctor tells you to, and maybe I can get a trip to the library downtown in. I recall hearing you're quite the reader." You smiled softly.

Diana thought to herself. "Fine."

You handed her the small cup. "I can go if you want privacy."

"You're the first nurse to offer that..."

"You're a capable woman."

She gave you the first smile you had seen from her, taking the pills. "We can't go yet, my son is coming."

"Of course. I'll come back in an hour or so, is that okay?"

She nodded. "He likes Jell-O, can you bring some?"

"Sure." Must be a kid. That's cute.

"Have you been doing more running at work? You've put on more muscle." Diana poked her son's arms.

Spencer rolled his eyes. "I'm older and don't drink as much coffee."

Spencer Reid: OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz