Will You Dance With Me?

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Summary: After learning about Reader's hatred for prom, Spencer attempts to repair the miserable memory.
Warning: Mentions of guns, murder, abuse, and stabbing.

"This scene is a mess," you said, your eyes scanning the living room of the victim. "The unsub didn't even bother to do her makeup and hair like the others."

"He's devolving." Spencer observed the numerous stab wounds on the victim. "There's just one thing that doesn't fit."

"Hm?" You were looking at each photo frame, trying to dissect the life of this woman through a few photos on her mantle.

"These stab wounds do not match the precision that was used on the makeup placed on earlier victims."

"Do you think there's two unsubs?"

"No, no...I think our unsub is a kid."

You raised an eyebrow. "Those first 2 kills were...complex."

"This unsub is clearly artistically skilled, the makeup was well done...right?"

You snickered. "Yeah, it was."

Spencer nodded. "The uh the stab wounds were precise, articulate. Something that someone with some sort of pottery or sculpting experience might have."

"And usually those who are younger dabble in multiple forms of art..."

"Like makeup."

"Exactly," you whispered.

"I'll get Garcia on it."

"Sounds good."

"Okay, settle in, my pretty people." Penelope's voice rang through the phone.

"Watcha got, Garcia?" JJ asked, leaning against the table.

"The dynamic duo of boy wonder and Wonder Woman—"

"Is that what you're calling me now?"

"Yeah, deal with it."

You scoffed. "Okay."

"As I was saying, those two concluded that it was a kid with some form of artistic experience relating to pottery or something like that, and I got a good match. Say hello to Martin Stabinsky, he is a high school senior who has been in and out of foster homes two cities over since he was 9."

"Why kill two cities over from where he lives?" Emily furled her brows.

"Good question, E. His biological mother, Therese Stabinsky, was not exactly good to him. Young Martin would call 911 often, saying his mom hit him."

"And what happened?" Rossi questioned.

"Therese was a local principal, philanthropist, and did loads for the community, nobody believed Martin. They all thought he wanted attention."

"That's awful," you muttered.

"Garcia, we profiled that this unsub would have an endgame in mind with the rate he's devolving at," Morgan spoke up.

"You did and are correct as usual, my dear. The high school Therese is principal at is hosting its prom tonight."

"Can we get a photo of Therese?" Hotch asked.

"Definitely surrogate victims," JJ murmured.

"We have no time to lose, let's move."

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