Flu Thick and Thin

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Summary: Dr. Reid takes his title to another level after Reader comes down with the flu.

"Hey, guys," Spencer said, walking over to Emily, Derek, and Penelope.

"Sup, kid. How was lecturing?"

"Fine, nothing new." He looked around. "Where's Y/N?"

"Oh, you missed it!" Penelope piped in. "She walked in, sat at her desk, and just threw up in her trash can. It was so bad!"

"Is she alright?!" He asked urgently.

"She's fine, Reid. Hotch just made her go home."

"Did someone take her home?"

"Anderson made sure she got back, don't worry."

"Is someone there with her?"

"She's a grown woman, she can handle herself," Derek replied.

"If she doesn't take care of herself properly, she could develop pneumonia or worse!"

"Reid, Y/N is very capable of taking care of herself."

Spencer sighed. "Someone should be with her."

"The flu is contagious so..." Penelope shook her head.

"I'll go."

"You?" Emily raised an eyebrow. "Don't you...hate germs?"

"I-I trust Y/N. Besides, my concern for her goes above the germ aspect of everything."

"I mean do what you want, Hotch is letting us go early anyways." Derek shrugged.

"Then I'll see you guys tomorrow." Spencer turned around, heading out.

"He wouldn't take care of me if I got the flu," Penelope mumbled.

"Oh come on, we all know he's doing it because he's in love with her," Emily snickered.

"Yeah, good point."

"Love makes people do weird ass shit," Derek muttered.

Spencer knocked on your door. "It's me."

"Spence?" You croaked, opening your door slightly. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to make sure you were okay."

"Thanks but...you shouldn't really get near me."

"I'll be fine if we keep our distance."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah, I brought you some stuff."

You smiled slightly. "Stay back."

He backed towards the wall as you sat back down on the couch. "So what are you up to?"

"Rewatching Pride and Prejudice."

"I feel like you're always doing that when I come over."

"It's a good movie," you murmured, sniffling. "So what's in the bag?"

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