Moving On

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Summary: A late night shift at a local café gives Reader an encounter with a slightly disappointed Spencer, who, in seeking some guidance with girls, realizes he might not be as terribly "un-likable" as he believed and meets a pretty great person along the way.

You sighed, wiping down the counter. You glanced at the clock. 30 more minutes. College was expensive, you needed money, late shifts were the only things your psych major ass had time for. Of course you didn't really mind working at such a nice little café, but you had to put up with some pretty annoying people. Plus you just wanted to sleep. You were in the middle of stacking up chairs when the door opened. "I'm sorry, are you closed?"

You turned around. "Oh no! I'm so sorry, we just don't usually get customers at...almost midnight."

"I-I can go..."

"No, no. You're here, it's kind of cold out, sit down. Do you need anything?"

He exhaled. "Anything to just...I don't know."

You frowned. "Is something wrong?"

"I really don't think I should be letting my problems out to a barista I met 37 seconds ago."

You pulled up a stool, sitting across the counter. "You know, we tend to confide in strangers much more freely and benefit from it."

He nodded. "I know." A small laugh came from him. "You're just...busy."

"You're the only one here, and you haven't even ordered."

He smiled sheepishly. "Just make whatever is easiest." He paused. "And one for you too."

"Oh no—"

"I'll get it."

You smiled slightly. "Alright. And you know what? For confidentiality, no name sharing." You pulled off your name tag. "There."


You began to make a hot chocolate. Childish? Maybe, but it always made you feel better. "So, what's bugging you?"

The boy sighed. "I'm not very good with girls, and I liked this girl and asked her out."

"Oh...she rejected you?"

"Not really."

You frowned. "So what is it?"

"We went to a game today, and she brought our other friend..."

You bit your lip. "That does suck."

He nodded slowly. "It really does."

You handed him the cup, sitting back down. "So she isn't into you, move on."

"I just...I thought that for once someone would finally feel that way about me." He ran his hand through his hair. "I should've known better."

"Okay, no. First of all, if a girl agrees to go out with you, you shouldn't expect her to just bring a friend. Second of all, I'm sure someone has liked you before."

"Not really."

"Maybe they just didn't tell you."

"Do I look like the type to be a heartthrob?"

You laughed. "Maybe not the cliché type, but you're definitely cute."

A small pink colour rose to his cheeks. "I am?"

You leaned closer, his face only getting redder. "Yeah, you've got nice bone structure. Although I think you should try smiling a little more."

"Smiling more?"

Spencer Reid: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now