🏳️‍⚧️Trans Tommy PT3🏳️‍⚧️

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Just gonna say idk too much about top surgery after care so just go with it for plot reasons

This is just some info i know so if any of it was wrong, sorry ig?

i'm not really sorry, this is fanfiction so deal with it

Also ik it was called 'Tara or Tommy' but :p

"He's going to need to take it very easy for the first few days, no raising his arms at all, try to keep him laying down if you can" The doctor said as they looked at their clipboard. "And that means no streaming for awhile, about a week or two"

"Nooooooooo" The blonde tiredly said as he leaned against Wilbur.

"I'll try my best, he's a big workaholic" Will had an arm around Tommy, helping him stand as the doctor wrote a prescription for pain meds. 

"Here, you can pick these up at the *random pharmacy name*"

"Thank you," The brunette said to the doctor before turning to his 'little brother'. "You ready to go, Toms?" Tommy slightly nodded, he had his eyes closed, leaning most of his weight against Will. 

"He'll probably be a bit loopy for the rest of the day from the meds we gave him, so just keep an extra careful eye on him."

The car ride wasn't as quiet as Wilbur hoped it was. Most of the ride was filled with Tommy switching the music all around and turning it up and down randomly. 

"Tommy! Thats too loud, bud!" Will yelled as he quickly turned the music back down. 

"Nooooo! Turn it up! I can't hearrrrrrrrrrr ittt!"

"You can hear it! If i turn on Hamilton will you stop turning it up?" The blonde thought for a second before nodding with a devious smile on his face. "You're lying aren't you. I'm about to just drop you off at Phils."

"Nooooooooo, wilby... I wanna be with my older brotherrrrrrrrrrr" Tommy gave a small pout, causing Wilbur to begin to feel bad.

"Fine... You're lucky i'm so nice, Toms." He chuckled, the younger boy rolled his eyes before beginning to close them. "I'll wake you up when we get home."

"I'm not-not sleepin.." He said, finally getting quiet. "I'm widdddddeee awake.."

"Mhm, sure you are bud" Wilbur turned down the music a bit, letting the child go to sleep easier. Will drove to the pharmacy, grabbing Tommy's pain meds before coming back to the car. The blonde was still out cold, his head leaning against the window. "'I'm wide awake' my ass" He rolled his eyes giving a chuckle. 

The rest of the ride was luckily quiet, with Hamilton play quietly in the background. There was barley anyone around town driving, so Wilbur could hear Tommy's light snoring with the music. Will looked over at the younger boy before looking back at the road with a smile. "Hey Toms, we're almost home" The blonde groaned, turning his head farther away from the brunette. "Tommy come on, I'm not gonna be able to carry you inside because of your stitches"


Wilbur pulled into the parking spot in front of his house, unlocking the door for them both. "Toms we gotta go inside, i don't think you wanna sleep in the car." Tommy opened his eyes, rolling his head to look at the 'annoying' brunette. "Come on Tommy, let's get inside then you can go back to sleep." The two both hopped out of the car, Tommy having a little trouble since he was still pretty tired. Wilbur went over to the younger boys side, wrapping an arm around him to help him walk. 

"I can walk by myself.." 

"I just wanna make sure you're okay, don't want you breaking your skull open" They both gave a small chuckle as they walked inside. "So how does it feel to.. y'know?"

"Be flat? Really good, more like me" Wilbur pulled out his key, unlocking the door for them. 

"Do you wanna sleep in your room or-"

"Yours, your bed is comfy"

"Where am I supposed to sleep then?" Wilbur joked.

"On the floor, duh" The two made their way upstairs to Will's room, "Or you can sleep on the couch, or in my room possibly..." 

"Maybe i'll just make you lay on the floor instead" The brunette let go of his 'little brother', letting him lay down. "Need anything?" Tommy thought for a second before extending his arms. "You're so clingy"

"Am not!" Will chuckled before pushing the blonde over and laying next to him. 

"Now go to sleep." The younger boy nodded, leaning into Wilbur's touch (PLATONICALLY) slowly closing his eyes.

"Thank you Will, for everything.."

Idk if this was great but oh well

Word count: 786

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