🎸Time Spent Well with Mom and Dad🐠

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Here's a wholesome AU where Wilbur is Tommy's dad because 'Flowers From 1970' has inspired me with wholesome ness (no spoilers, i haven't read the whole thing yet)

Warning this story features

-wholesome moments

"Incoming!" Sally yelled up to her husband as she set her 5 year old son down, letting him run up the stairs. The blonde ran as fast as he could up the steps, going to the first door on the right. He opened the door right away, pushing it open to see his father on his computer. Wilbur turned towards the door with a smile, opening his arms for Tommy.

"Come here, Toms" The younger boy ran to his father, being pulled onto Will's lap. "Whats up, bud?"

"Mommy said it's time for lunch!"

"Oh really? What did she make?" He asked mainly as a joke, knowing whatever his wife made would probably be delicious. 

"She made grilled cheese!" Tommy put his hands in the air, full of excitement. 

"I can smell it from here, come on, let's go eat!" Wilbur stood up, picking his boy up and resting him on his hip. Will walked downstairs, holding his son in his arms.

"Mommy! I got daddy!" The blonde called to his mom as he was set down.

"Good job, sweetie! Here's your grilled cheese" Sally replied, setting the grilled cheese on the table for Tommy. While Will made his way over to his wife, hugging from her from behind.

"Looks delicious, my love" He said as he kissed her cheek. 

"I'm glad, how is editing going?" She asked, leaning her head back against his shoulder.

"Good, i'm almost done, then I can come spend sometime with you and Tommy, I promise. We could watch some movies, cuddle, eat snacks, whatever you two want" (god why am I projecting what I want in a man onto Wilbur 🥺)

"I love you" 

"I love you too" Wilbur replied, kissing her forehead. "Just give me 20 minutes and then i'll be yours for the rest of the night" Sally turned to face Will, putting her arms around his neck before kissing him on the lips. 

"Ewww!" Tommy said as he ate his grilled cheese. The two lovers pulled away, still in each others arms as they chuckled. 

"Alright, mr.famous, go finish your editing so we can watch some movies" She smiled, grabbing the other grilled cheese that she made for her husband. 

After about 20 minutes of editing, there was a knock on Wilbur's office door. "Come in!" He called out, seeing a blonde peek his head in. "Hey bud, you pick out a movie?" 

"Can we watch Up?" He asked, coming into the room. 

"Of course, Tommy, let's go make some popcorn and watch!" Tommy nodded with a smile before quickly running downstairs, followed by his father after saving his finished video. He would upload it later to youtube. Will went to the DVD case as he saw Sally making popcorn with Tommy. 

"Here, go sit down baby" She said, handing a small bowl of popcorn to her son, grabbing the bigger bowl for herself and Will to share. Tommy sat in the middle of the couch while Sally sat at one side. Wilbur slid the disc into the player, pressing play before sitting next to his beautiful wife, putting an arm around her. She leaned her head on his shoulder as the movie began.

Once the movie was over Sally sat up, stretching a bit as she looked over at Will, seeing he was sleeping peacefully with Tommy, sleeping as well in his lap. She smiled, taking a picture to put as her new phone background. 

"Babe, wake up.." She lightly shook him as she picked Tommy up. 

"Hm..? What time is it?" He asked as he sat up, moving his glasses to rub his eyes. 

"10pm, come on" She smiled, going upstairs, hearing Wilbur sleepily trudge behind her. Sally made her way to Tommy's room, laying him on his race car bed before kissing his forehead. Will stood in the doorway, watching as she turned off Tommy's lamp and plugged in his minecraft nightlight. "Goodnight Tommy" She said quietly, trying not to wake the boy as she walked over to her husband. "Your turn, Mr.Soot"

"And yours, Mrs.Soot" Will took Sally's hand as she closed the door behind her, making their way to their bed room across the hallway. They both changed, brushed their teeth then laid in bed, cuddling close together. 

"I love you, Will"

"I love you too, Sally" 

Word count: 758

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