🤞Breaking Promises🤞

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Warning this story mentions



"What the hell were you thinking?!" Tommy flinched as Sam yelled at him, though the older gentleman didn't care, he was pissed. "You could've gotten your self killed! You got Ghostbur killed or fucks sake!"

"I didn't mean to-"

"That doesn't fucking matter! You got him killed! It's all your fault! Do you think you can just do whatever you want without any consequences?! Well you can't! Grow the fuck up Tommy!"

"I've already done that.." The blonde mumbled.

"What was that?"

"I'VE ALREADY DONE THAT!! I know I can't do whatever I want! But Dream deserved to die, and this! This was my only chance! I didn't want to get Ghostbur killed! It was an accident!"

"I'm about to make your death an accident!"

"Do it!" Tears rolled down the boys cheeks. "Send me back to the afterlife. Do it, Sam. I deserve it."

"No. I should, but I won't. You broke the contract an-"

"I broke a contract? That's funny, you shouldn't get to talk about that."

"Oh really? Why's that?!" Tears continued to rolled down Tommy's cheeks as he placed his ender chest down, pulling out a book and throwing it at Sam.

"Read it. You asshole." The blonde pushed his tears away, picking up his ender chest as Sam picked the book up. The younger boy quickly ran off, wanting nothing to do with the older man at this point. Sam opened up the old book that was thrown at him, seeing words that would haunt him..

'Awesamdude must protect TommyInnit'

"Oh god.. I.. I broke a contract too.." The creeper king closed the book, sighing as he thought about what he had said. "I've messed up too.." The older gentleman looked at the book in his hands, the red cover becoming burgundy from how long the boy had it. "I need to talk to him.."

Tommy sat in his house, tears streaming down his face, sitting next to friend. He felt terrible for everything he had done, he just wanted Dream to pay. He needed to pay for all his actions..but Ghostbur was the one who had paid someone elses prices..

He paid Tommy's price..

Tommy thought about all Sam had said, he was right.. His plan was so stupid but, he just wanted Dream gone. Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door.

"Who-who is it?" The blonde called out. 

"It's Sam.. Please let me in.."

"Go away.."

"No, please just let me in.. I just want to talk.." The younger boy wiped his tears away. 

"I'd rather you kill me.." 

"I'm coming in, Tommy.." The warden came in, seeing the scared boy in the corner by his crafting table. His cheeks stained with tears on his pale skin. "..I..I'm so sorry.."

"I don't want your pity.."

"This isn't pity.. You were right.. I broke a contract too... I-I let you die in prison and-"

"Please don't.. I-I don't want to talk about that.."

"Okay.. but still.. I broke my contract just like you, and I should've known you were just trying to do what you thought was best.. I'm so sorry.."

"I'm just a kid.."

"I know... and I decided to scream at you and freak out.. though what you did was wrong.. I acted stupidly... I'm so so sorry.." He pulled Tommy into a hug, feeling the boy's tears begin to fall onto his shirt. "I won't break that promise again.."

2 stories in one night? This ones not great but :P

Word count: 590

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