💤Sleeping Warden💤

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Warning this story mentions...

-Nova-itis (being sleep deprived)

Another awesamdad story cause i felt like it but it's probably not what u expect

or maybe it is idk

im not u so how would i know what you'd expect

Sam sat the front desk area in the prison, his eyes slowly closing and quickly reopening. He had been awake for almost 3 days, just guarding the prison. It was his job after all.

He's been doing this for weeks now, ever since he left for the night while Tommy was suffering inside, until he died and came back. He promised never to leave the prison again, he needed to make sure the prisoner stayed inside and everyone was safe. Though him staying there 24/7 meaning he slept there. He didn't want to, he didn't even want to sleep, so he just passed out in random places until someone found him or he woke up.

His eyes began to close again, like they have been all night. He could feel sleep slowly creeping up on him, but refused to go down without a fight. He looked up at the bright lights, hoping it would wake him up a bit. Though his plan failed, he rested his head against his hand, letting his eyes descend close. Though his eyes were closed for long..

"Sam!" Quickly the older man jumped awake, looking around to find Tommy in front of him. "Woah, are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, i'm alright.. What are you doing here though?" Sam asked, sitting back down in his seat.

"I was coming to see you, you've kinda distanced yourself me.."

"Sorry, Tommy.. I just have been watching over the prison, making sure Dream doesn't get out. Making sure your safe"

"Are you sure you're okay? You look exhausted" The creeper hybrid sighed before just nodding. "You're not great at lying"

"I'm fine, Tommy. You should head home though"

"Not without you, come on. Dream is stuck here, you need some sleep" Tommy watched as his father figure set his head on the desk.

"I'm not getting out of this am I?"

"Nope!" Sam sighed as he stood. "We can go to my house since yours is super far away" The younger boy smiled as he began to walk out of the prison, the sleepy warden following from behind.

The next morning..

Sam yawned as he sat up, rubbing his eyes to look at his surroundings. He expected to be sitting at his desk but found himself in a bed. "Where am I.?" He asked, forgetting about the night before. Though his questions was quickly answered when he saw Tommy sleeping on the couch. He sighed with a smile as he stood up, walking over to the boy and kneeling down. "Tommy, wake up" He said softly.

"Noooo" He mumbled, turning his head away. The older boy chuckled, picking the blonde up and laying him on the bed.

"Thank you for letting me stay, i'll talk to you later" He rubbed the boys shoulder before getting up and leaving. Though he should go back to the prison, maybe he should go home and say hello to Fran. Maybe he could even get some proper sleep..

Word count: idk a certain amount, y'all can guess in the comments

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