⚔️Awesamdad PT5⚔️

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You all seriously thought I was going to end it like that?

Wow, slightly offended you guys think I like making you sad (not really XD)

Thank you to @Kittykay78 for the idea, there will be an alternate ending i was orignally writing but i like this idea too so enjoy

"Tommy...I-i'm sorry.. I'm so sorry..."

Sam sat up in a cold sweat, looking around the dark room. It's been a week since Tommy's death and all Sam could see when he closed his eyes was his son dying in his arms. Which is why he never slept unless puffy made him, all he usually did was work on Tommy's hotel to distract himself. He didn't feel like eating, or sleeping, just working all day and all night. 

He had barley left the build site, meaning he didn't speak to really anyone. Maybe Tubbo or Puffy but he barely said a word to anyone else who would happen to drop by, just a small hi or 'i'm okay' when someone asked how he was. He just wished he could hear his sons voice asking him how he was, or getting excited when 'Sam Nook' gave him a task to do. 

Why did it have to be Tommy?

Sam sat up, letting his head rest against the wall, he could feel the tears stinging his eyes. 

"Y-you did amazing dad...you are the best dad i-i've ever have...Th-thank you.."

Tommy's shaky voice rattled though the older boy's head, hearing the lies be spouted by his son just made the tears fall. He let his own son die in his arms, how could he be a good dad? "I'm so sorry T-t.." He couldn't even say his name.. he was too heartbroken and guilt ridden, he hadn't even visited Tommy's grave yet.. He couldn't, but he knew he had to..

Sam sighed before standing up, he knew he'd never get back to sleep anyways so why not start working? The young man changed into his work clothes, and grabbing his tools, including Tommy's axe. It pained him to see it but he kept it as a way to remember him, keep his spirit alive. 

"I-i don't think i-i'll be able to complete it..i-i'm sorry.." 

Tommy's word kept sounding through his head as he left his home, causing even more tears to appear in his eyes. He wiped them away as he walked, taking his time to look at the surroundings.. Everything reminded him of Tommy. 

"The only person who said he was proud of me was Wilbur..and now you.."

Sam looked towards 'The Big Innit Hotel' as he approached it, maybe he should visit Tommy's grave. Say a 'final goodbye' instead of just ignoring the pain.. 

'I promised I'd keep you safe and i'm forever keeping that promise..'

Sam suddenly stopped in his path..hearing the words he told Tommy after preventing his suicide. He broke his promise, Tommy died in his arms because Sam failed to protect him..Was he just as bad as Phil? Why couldn't he be better?

"You're a better dad than Phil ever was.."

 The older boy looked up again, Tommy really thought he was a better dad than Phil..(Not to ruin your moment Sam but everyone is a better dad than Phil) Sam's only question now was 'Did he do alright?', yeah he failed to protect Tommy..But he kept Tommy happy at least for a little while, right? He did better than Phil..he wished he did better than what he did though..

"Thanks, dad.."

"Your welcome, son.."

He began walking again, knowing the grave wasn't too much farther. He looked down to his feet, not wanting to look ahead at the gravestone that said his son's name. He closed as eyes as he approached it, sitting right next to the gray stone, keeping his eyes shut to keep in the tears. "Hey Tommy...It's-It's dad.." He sniffled, finally opening his eyes to wipe his tears. "I'm..i'm so sorry I couldn't keep you safe... I tried but I guess I didn't do too well.."

"I think you did great.." Sam quickly turned around, seeing his dead son standing in front of him. He looked exactly the same from the day he died..besides his eyes, they were a light gray last time he saw them..but they were back to their beautiful blue. 


"I'm a ghost.." Sam shakily stood up, walking to his son. 

"I..I'm so sorry.." He pulled Tommy into a hug, holding him tight. "I shouldn't have let Niki go with you..I couldn't keep you safe.."

"It's okay dad, it wasn't your fault. You did keep me safe, you stopped me from doing dumb shit since you adopted me- No, since you met me. You're the greatest dad in existence.."

"You're better than any other dad in the world.."

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