🔊Just Listening🔊

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Warning this story mentions


-depressing thoughts


-verbal abuse

this is a darkish one :P

Tommy walked through the snow, his hands in his pockets as he walked. He was on his way to visit Tubbo and Ranboo like he usually did when he felt these 'bad thoughts'. 

"Tub-" He was about to walk inside when he heard his friends talking, sounding semi upset.

"I care about him too, Tubbo but he's been coming over so much and I don't think it's good for Michael. The only time he sees Tommy is when he's having a panic attack or when he's thinking about hurting himself.. I care about him and worry about him but he needs to find better help." Ranboo said, crossing his arms as he spoke to his husband.

"I know.. But he's been through a lot, we can't just tell him to go talk to someone else."

"Well maybe we do, we can't cancel all of our plans or ignore Micheal to help Tommy everyday. I really do care about him but we have to think about ourselves too" Slowly the blonde closed the door, tears rolling down his cheeks silently.

"I-I didn't know I was such a bother to them... I have so many problems and forcing it all on them to help me.. God im such a bad friend.." He slid his newly shaky hands in his pockets, beginning to walk away from the large mansion. 

He walked back to where L'manburg used to be, tears still rolling down his cheeks as he walked. He kept his hands in pockets, keeping his eyes on the ground before he bumped into someone.

"Ah! Tommy! Watch where you're going!" Tommy looked up from his feet, seeing his older brother Wilbur in front of him. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine.. Sorry Will.." 

"What happened, Toms? i can tell you're not okay" The brunette said, putting a hand on the blondes shoulder.

"..I-i heard Tubbo and Ranboo talking about how irritating I was.. I kept going over to talk to them about my problems and they're really sick of it.."

"I'm sorry Tommy, but maybe it's for the best.."

"Wh-what? What are you talking about..?" Tommy took a step back, confused by what his brother said. 

"Family only cares about family, obviously you're not apart of their family. I'm your family though, Tommy, I care about you."


"Of course I do, we're family. Family cares about family."

A few months passed, and most people hadn't seen Tommy since he and Wilbur 'ran away'. Though nobody seemed to be worried, Tubbo and Ranboo were, the two knew Tommy must've heard them or someone said something to him. They both felt terrible, wishing they knew where he could be.. Luckily they'd find out soon...

The two were strolling through the ruins of L'manburg, both of them were quiet, just enjoying the peacefulness. It had been so quiet since Tommy disappeared, though they liked the quiet, they missed his loud and goofy antics so much.

"Tommy! What the hell?! I told you I needed stone not cobblestone!" Wilbur yelled at the blonde, causing the two to look over at them. "Next time I see you, you better have stone! God somedays you're just so useless!"

"I'm sorry Will... I'll get it right away.." 

"Good. I'll see you at home. Be home before sun down." Tommy nodded, keeping his head down. "And remember Tommy,-"

"Family only cares about family."

"Right. See you at home." Wilbur walked away from the blonde. Before he could walk away as well, Tubbo quickly ran up to the younger boy, squeezing him tightly.

"Tommy! Oh my god where have you been?!" Tommy flinched at the sudden contact and yelling, pushing the half ram away. "Tommy?"

"I-i'm sorry... I-i just.. I don't.."

"Tommy, are you okay?" Ranboo butted into the conversation.

"I-i'm fine... Just leave me alone please...I don't want to bother you guys more than I already have.." 

"Tommy, you're not bothering us.." Tubbo said putting a hand on the younger boys shoulder. 

"I did before.. I made you guys deal with all my problems..."

"So you did hear us... Tommy that's not what we meant.. We meant it would be better for you to get professional help, like therapy from Puffy.. and we were worried for Michael, he's never really met you but he sees you in pain every time you come over.." The brunette said, putting his hands on his friends shoulder. 

"Tommy.. has Will been like this since you started living with him..?" The half enderman asked, Tommy just nodded. "..He's been a jerk to you this whole time?"

"He's my family, he cares about me..."

"He's verbally abusing you, Tommy, that's not okay.."

"...Why do you guys care so much..?"

"Because, you're like family to us, we care about you so much" Tubbo said with a smile. "We're so sorry that we made you feel like a bother.."

"I..it-it's okay.."

"Tommy.. Would you wanna come live with us? Leave Wilbur to do his own thing..? You don't have to but maybe it would be better?"

"We wouldn't mind having you there.." The two husbands looked at each other before looking back at Tommy, he had tears rolling down his cheeks. "Tommy..-" The blonde quickly hugged his two friends, squeezing them tight.

"Th-thank you.."

Word count: 898

might do a pt2?

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