🕊A Rewrite of Losing his Wings🕊

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What's this? Nova loves the wing Au and wants to rewrite it?

It called being unoriginal *dab*

But hey, when have I been original? Besides with my own original story, The Fall of Lightningville (that's partly inspired by Aphmau's MCD and the Dream Smp) WOAH! You all should check that out!

Okay enough with me giving myself a shout out- let's get into the rewrite 

Warning this story features


-skin juice (blood)

-near unalivement (near death experience)

-attacks full of panic (thats in the next part-)



The world was silent to Tommy as Dream stood in front of him with a flint and steel. Though the sounds of explosions were going on every so often around Logstedshire, all Tommy could hear was Dream talking to him.

"I was your friend, Tommy. I gave you supplies, I visited you, I did so much for you and this is how you repay me? You hide things from me."

"D-Dream..I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..I-I swear it won't happen again.."

"Sorry won't cut it, Tommy. Sit on the sand."

"Wh-what?" Tommy didn't move, he was confused by the command, is that what Dream wanted?

"I said, sit on the sand. Now." The blonde boy nodded quickly before sitting down on his knees. He could feel the sand touch the bottom of his white feathery wings. "Now don't move." Tommy nodded slightly, trying to show he understood the command and not move at the same time.

"Dream I-" The younger boy tried to reason with the green man, but was interrupted by a sharp pain in his shoulder blades. Dream had cut his white feathery wings off in one swing with his netherite sword, the wings rested in Dreams hand, but were no longer their beautiful white. A blood curdling scream of pain from the now wingless Tommy, echoed through Logstedshire and through the forest to the snow biome..

Technoblade and Philza had been outside in the snow, neither were really doing much besides talking until they heard their youngest's scream. They both looked into the distance before looking back at each other, both majorly worried.

"Did that sound like Tommy?"

"It sounded exactly like him." Phil replied as he stood. "Where is Logstedshire from here?"

Back in Logstedshire, Tommy was sitting on his hands and knees, taking in shaky breaths as the green man towered above him. "There's your punishment. " Dream threw the blood covered wings into the sand. "See you around, Tommy. Well..Or not." He chuckled as he began to walk away from Tommy, walking into the nether portal.

The blonde boy fell to his stomach as he watched the green man leave, seeing the smug smile under his mask as he disappeared. Tommy looked to his blood stained wings on the ground, the one thought that popped into his head was 'Am I bleeding that badly?'. He saw how red his wings were and knew he wasn't going to stay conscious for long..

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