💚Someone New Joining the SMP💚

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So I thought this would be super cool-

I had a lucid dream the other day where I was in the SMP, so here's what happened

Btw this took place before L'manburg was..destroyed, and in my view everything was blocky but the people, so I saw everyone as their irl faces unless they didn't have a face reveal (like Dream). If i've never seen their face then I saw a realistic version of fanart or cosplays

A young enby slowly opened their eyes, waiting to see the blue walls of their room, surprisingly that's the opposite of what they saw. They saw red brick walls, walls they had seen so many times before just..not in real life..Quickly they sat up, looking around the familiar Dream SMP Community House. 

"Woah.." Was all they could say, looking towards themself, they noticed they were their minecraft skin, a purple and blue hoodie with black jeans and red shoes. Their long hair that was usually up in a pony tail, was short, like a pixie haircut. 

"Hello?" The familiar voice of a streamer called out to them, Nova (hehe thats me) turned to see the President of L'manburg, standing in right in front of them. "Are you alright?"

"Ye-yeah, I'm okay- Where-Where am I?" Nova swung their legs over the bed to stand up, looking towards the slightly taller president.

"You're in the Dream SMP Community house, whats your name? I'm-"

"You're Tubbo.. The President of L'manburg- Sorry, uh.. I'm Nova" They extended their hand, knowing they probably made one of their favorite streamers uncomfortable.

"You..you know who I am?" Tubbo took a step back, causing Nova to put their hand down.

"I do.. I know all of you guys, Tommy, Wil-Ghostbur, Philza, Quackity, Ranboo, George, Sapnap, Dream, Bad, skeppy, Hbomb, Dream, Fundy, Eret,  all of you guys!"

"You know..everyone?" 

"Yeah, I watch all your streams! Mainly yours and Tommy's but- Wait, Is Tommy still exiled?"

He nodded. "You watch our streams? I-I don't know what you're talking about. Where are you from?"

"I'm from America, just a small town kid. I know this is gonna sound crazy but I think i'm shifting.."


"Reality shifting, when I fell asleep I went to a different reality where the Dream SMP is a real place instead of a minecraft server..In my world you and everyone on the Dream SMP are Youtubers and streamers, you make hilarious videos and streams for people around the world to watch. Now I need to know what today is."

(I forgot what he said for the day but im just going off of what google told me which could be wrong)

He took a minute to respond, trying to think if he should tell this weird stranger about anything. "It's December 4th, 2020"

"Crap. We need to go to Logstedshire. Now."

"What? Why?"

"Because if we don't, Tommy's going to try and commit unalivement (yes this is what I said) and then team up with Techno to get his discs back!"

"What- You know what, lets just go. I trust you" Quickly Nova ran out the door, followed by Tubbo. It surprised the President how much this complete stranger knew about L'manburg and his friends. The two quickly ran through the portal, though Nova stopped, they had never seen anything like this before in real life. 

"Never been to the Nether?" Tubbo asked, looking back towards the younger enby.

"Well theres only a Nether in minecraft, the video game you play, so no. Sorry, come on, I know the way" Nova started running again, knowing the way as if it was their way home from school, in a way..it was.. Everyday around 4pm they'd jump on Tommy's stream to ignore all of life's pain, assignments, insecurities, problems, fighting, everything. Tubbo and Nova walked through the portal, seeing most of Logstedshire blown up besides Tommy's tent.

"We're early.. We're early! That means Dream is still here, and Tommy hasn't built the tower yet." Nova looked towards the slightly taller boy next to them. 

"Dream did this? He blew up Logstedshire?"

"Yeah. And he's not getting away with it this time." Nova started stomping towards Tommy's tent, seeing Tommy and Dream staring at TNT about to go off.

"Dream! What are you doing?" Tubbo called out.

"Tubbo? Why aren't you in L'manburg?" Dream asked, putting his sword away so the two wouldn't see. "And who's your friend?"

Nova continued walking towards the too, though Dream was a lot taller than them, they got on their tip toes and punched Dream as hard as they could. 

"As Wilbur Soot once said 'Suck it green boi.' I know what you've been doing. I know what you're planning." 

"Tubbo? What are they talking about..?" Tommy looked toward his best friend, confused. 

"I'm not sure..Tommy.." 

"You will leave L'manburg alone." Nova continuted to get closer to Dream, forcing him to back up.

"Or what?" The man with a green hood and white mask asked.

"Or i'll destroy every single thing you love. Starting with Gogy." Nova had a smirk on their face, knowing they had to have scared Dream. 

"O-okay..Okay.." He continued to back up before pulling out an ender pearl and throwing it far away. Nova looked back towards Tubbo and Tommy, seeing both their confused and concerned faces.

"I told you, I watched the streams" 

Now I don't think this was that great but I hope you all liked it :)

A little more did happen so if you want to see it, vote on this one shot 

Have a great day my 💫stars!💫


Word Count: 912

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