😆Hiding Under a Broken Smile🩹

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I keep getting ideas and for some reason I need to keep writing them-

So if you don't like the PTSD stories then skip this one 

If you do then enjoy, also we have Wilbur instead of Ghostbur because I LIVVVVVVEEEEEE for brother contentttttt

Warning this story features


-panic at the discs (panic attacks)

-past abuse

-suicidal thoughts 


It was a hot day in the nether, though when wasn't it? A small group from L'manburg had decided to go mining for netherite together, breaking up into teams of two, leaving Sapnap and Tommy together. Tommy was just leaning against a wall, not doing much besides complaining, while Sapnap was crafting tools.

"Sapnappppp it's so hot here!"

"You don't think I know that Tommy? I'm standing right here." 

"Why does it have to be so hot, i'm dying!"

"Stop being so dramatic, Tommy. Go find something to do and stop annoying me"

"There's nothing to do!" Tommy threw his arms in his air like the dramatic child he was. "I don't get why we all had to get into groups of two!" 

"Take this TNT and blow up some netherack." Sapnap turned around, handing Tommy a bunch of TNT before turning back to the crafting table. 

"Ugh fine." The younger blonde took the TNT from his friend and began walking down a small tunnel. As he placed it on the ground he thought for a moment about Logstedshire.. "Hey Sapnap..I-"

"Tommy, just do your job"

"O-Okay.." Tommy pulled out his flint and steel, lighting the TNT before taking a step back and covering his ears. The bang was louder than he expected, it reminded him of his old home.. reminding him of Dream.. He dropped his flint and steel to the ground, causing the older gentlemen to look towards Tommy in confusion.

"Tommy? Are you okay-"

"I-i'm sorry..i'm sorry.."


"I'm sorry..i'm sorry, Dream..i'm sorry"

"Dream? Tommy what are you talking about?" Tommy dropped his weapons and shield to the ground, beginning to back up. 

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry" All Sapnap could hear was the terrified boy in front of him continuing to say he was sorry over and over again. 

"Guys..? Guys! I need some help over here!!" The older boy looked around, trying to locate his friends in a panic, while Tommy backed into a small corner, shaking to death from fear. Sapnap could hear their friends, Quakity, Wilbur, Eret, and Fundy, running over to them. "I don't know what happened! I gave him TNT to find netherite and once he blew it up he started freaking out!"

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