⚔️Awesamdad PT5 An Alternate Ending..⚔️

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So i started writing this ending and then I was given a new idea so I wrote both

enjoy my idea, it features me :)

It has been a few hours since the explosion that killed Tommy had gone off, the small information Tommy had given his father was enough to arrest Niki and Jack, but Sam didn't care.. He lost his son, nothing would bring him back..

He had brought Tommy back to his home, and hadn't left his body since, just hoping he was still alive.. hoping he would just wake up. He knew his son was gone but didn't want to believe it, he'd rather believe his son was just sleeping peacefully. Though how could he when people kept coming in every 5 minutes to say they were sorry for his loss. Yeah..so was he..

He blamed himself for Tommy's death, though it was Niki and Jack who killed him, he was the one who asked Tommy to get him wood for building. Why did he have to say yes to Niki? He trusted Niki with his son, just to make sure he wouldn't get killed..look how well he did. 

Suddenly a knock on the door broke Sam from his thoughts, he sighed before standing up and making his was to the front door. He opened the wooden door, revealing Philza Minecraft himself.

"What are you doing here, Phil?"

"Hello to you too, Sam.. I'm just here to talk.."

"Talk about what? How i messed up with Tommy just like you did? How I caused his death."

"Sam, I heard about what happened. It wasn't your fault-"

"Really Phil? Really? Look I'll give you 10 seconds to give me a good reason why I shouldn't shut this door right now."

"I have a way to bring Tommy back.. I know he's not my son anymore, but any kid deserves to be happy and have someone be there for them.. You're that someone, not me.." Philza pulled a small golden statue out of his pocket, handing it to Sam. 

"You-..Thank you, Phil..Thank you."

"Your welcome..Just promise to take care of him..You're a great father, Sam, two people just messed it up.."

"I will.. I'll do everything I can to make sure he's happy and safe"

Phil gave a small smile. "Good.. Tommy deserves better than what he has."

"He does.." Phil gave a small wave before walking away, letting Sam close the door. He looked at the golden figure in his hands, he was going to get his son back..he was getting a second chance.  The older gentleman ran to his sons room as fast he could, with tears stinging his eyes. He sat next to Tommy's bed, setting the golden statue on his son's chest, just praying that this would work..

He didn't know what he would do if it didn't, would he even be able to finish the hotel? It of course reminded him of Tommy.. Would he even be able to keep working on it when all it did was remind him of his dead son? 

He closed his eyes, just hoping he'd get his son back.. A green and yellow flash appeared from the totem, causing Sam to open his eyes but look away from how bright it was. When he looked back, all the blood and dirt was gone from his sons clothes and skin. "Tommy..?"

"D-dad..?" The blonde boy sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What happened..?" He looked to his father, instead of Sam seeing his sons beautiful blue eyes, he saw the light gray from when he first found him. "Why- why can't I see..?"

"You were in an explosion, remember? I-..I think.. I think the explosion caused you to go blind.." The older boy put a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "I'm so sorry.."

"I-i'm blind..?"

"I..I think so...I'm sorry, Tommy.." Sam moved to sit next to his son, pulling him into a tight hug. "It'll be okay though..at least your alive.."

It's been a few days since Tommy came back to life, and everything seemed to go back to normal, keyword seem. Sadly nothing was really going back to normal in Tommy's home, nobody expected it would though.. The blonde boy usually stayed in his home with a bandana over is eyes to hide the light gray that stained his eyes. He didn't let anyone in but Tubbo and Sam to check on him and make sure he was okay..

Though today seemed to be different...

A loud knock came from Tommy's door, usually he just ignored it but..today he stood up, and opened the door. "Hello?"

"Hello, are you TommyInnit?" A soft voice spoke out, it was somehow familiar but he knew he'd never heard the voice before. 

"..I am.."

"My name is Nova, and I think I can help you.."

"Help me? Help me with what?" He felt the person take the bandana off his face. 

"Your eyes. I can sense your emotional and physical pain over them.." Tommy took a step back. "You don't have to trust me, Tommy. All you need to do is let me in for a few minutes and then i'll leave" 

The blonde took a second to respond, he didn't have anything they could steal so why not just trust them? "Fine..come in.." Tommy backed away more, hearing Nova walk in and shut the doors behind them. 

"Thank you.."

"So Nova..how are you going to help me?"

"I'm going to cure your blindness. That is what you want correct?" 

"How did..Thats right.. " Tommy pulled his bandana back up. "I don't mean to rush you but is this going to take long?"

"No, it will not. Please pull your bandana back down though" He could hear Nova walk around a little, not like they were exploring the home, like they were shuffling their feet. "Hold out your hands please." 

The older boy (Tommy is older than me by a few months :/) did as he was told, taking off his bandana and holding out his hands to feel a glass bottle in his hands. "What's this?"

"A magician doesn't reveal their secrets. I promise it won't kill you." For some reason..Tommy felt like he could trust them, why? He had no idea, but he drank the potion, immediately being met by a bright light as soon as he swallowed it. "Hello Tommy" In front of him stood a person in a red hood, having their eyes hidden by a purple bandana, their hair was short and red with purple streaks.

"How did you do that?"

"Like I said, a magician doesn't reveal their secrets" 

"Are you blind too? Well not too anymore I guess-"

"No, i'm not.." The enby took off their own bandana, showing their red and blue eyes. "Most usually don't trust me because of my eyes.."

"Really..? I think it's cool."

"Thank you, and thank you for letting me in to help you.."

"How can I ever repay you?"

"You've already done enough for me in another land.. Have a good day, TommyInnit.."

"You too..Nova.. You too.."

Word Count: 1181

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