🕊Losing His Wings PT3🕊

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In L'manburg..

"He's having nightmares now, Phil. Nightmares." Techno and Phil stood in Phil's house, talking about Tommy who was back at Techno's place.

"About losing his wings?" Techno nodded.

"He wants revenge. He tried getting out of bed yesterday to go find him." Phil leaned against a couple of his chests to take in this information. "He's angry, and I don't blame him."

"Is he still at your place?" 

"Yes, hopefully resting. I locked the door and turned off the lights just in case." Techno was still worried about his younger brothers safety, maybe he shouldn't have left Tommy alone. "I should get back to him soon.. Dream is on a hunt looking for him"

"Techno.." He turned to face his father. "Take care of your brother-"

"He's back! Dream's back!" A loud voice from outside yelled about the green man coming home. All of a sudden Ghostbur ran into Phil's home, he was out of breath but needed to tell his family something important.

"Dream, he-he has Tommy." The ghost pointed outside as he told them the news.

"How? Tommy was-.." Techno looked to Phil. "Dream must've broke in.. Is violence finally the answer?"

Phil quickly left his home with Techno and Ghostbur behind. "Not yet."

"Phil! He has Tommy! He's going to kill him!" Techno pulled out his netherite sword, he wasn't going to let Dream do anything to his younger brother. The three stopped in their places, seeing Dream walking down the same path in front of them, holding onto the back of Tommy's shirt. The young boy looked out of it, as if he had just woken up from a long nap. 

"You didn't do the greatest at hiding him, Technoblade. He was just laying on the floor, struggling to stand, it was quite funny to watch." Dream dropped Tommy onto the ground, landing with a loud thump. Ghostbur immediately tried to go to his youngest brother but was stopped by his other brother's arm. 

"He'll kill him before you can even take a step towards him." Techno told his older brother quietly.

"Dream, we can talk this through without involving my sons lives. Let Techno take Tommy back to his place and we can discuss this peacefully." Phil put his hands in the air, from a far you couldn't notice his hands slightly shaking, showing his worry for his youngest son. Dream scoffed before he began laughing.

"Techno can take him, well he can take his dead body once he's executed."

"Executed? You can't do that Dream!" Ghostbur cut in, obviously upset.

"I can do what I please, Ghostbur. Tommy broke my rules and needs to be punished-"

"Hasn't he been punished enough?!" Ghostbur interrupted again, becoming more and more upset.

"Wilbur-" Phil began to speak again but was cut off by Dream.

"Enough." He pulled out a crossbow, an arrow already aimed towards Tommy's unconscious head. 

"Dream, please. Don't hurt him more than you already have..please.." Phil begged, wanting his youngest son to get out of this alive. 

"Phil..?" Techno stared at Dream holding his sword called the 'Orphan Obliterator'. 

"..Yes Techno, yes." Phil replied, Techno pulled out a crossbow, firing at Dream's hand causing him to drop the crossbow that was aimed at Tommy. 

"Is that really how we're going to play, pig?" Dream went to pul out his sword but was stopped by something poking him in the side.

"Yeah. It is." Tommy was sitting up, pointing Dream's own crossbow at him. "How does it feel to finally lose, Dream?"

"It fells fine to me." Dream pulled a green orb out from his sleeve, and threw it far far in the air "See you later, Tommy." With that Dream disappeared.

Techno, Ghostbur, and Phil looked to Tommy. "Did.. Did we just lose?"

"No, no we didn't Tommy." Phil smiled, looking at his sons, Ghostbur was the first to move towards Tommy, wrapping him in a hug, followed by Techno then Phil. "We're all alive.. This is a win"

A Few Months Later..

December 21st

"Techno! Techno!" Tommy ran into to Technoblade's home, seeing Techno on top of a box.

"Don't- Oh it's you Tommy, I thought you were Wilbur." He sat up and looked to Tommy.

"You're giving Wilbur a gift?"

"And Phil, and maybe you.. What do you need?" Tommy's smile grew.

"Look at this" Tommy closed his eyes, two small wings formed on Tommy's back. "My wings are growing back!" Techno smiled back, happy that everything that green man did to their family finally was in the past.

"That's amazing, Tommy." He stood up and pulled Tommy into a hug, Tommy hugged him back. The two brothers let go, each having a huge smile on their faces.

"Merry Christmas, Tommy" He put a hand on Tommy's shoulder.

"Merry Christmas, Techno" 

I'm not to sure if this ending was great but MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! I hope all of my stars have an amazing Christmas!!

-💫Super Nova🪐

Final Word Count: 806 

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