📦It Was Just a Joke!📦

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So i've seen this one done a lot and I wanted to do my version

Idk if its great or anything but ✨angst✨ so enjoy this semi short story 

Warning this story mentions..

-fear of santa claus (claustrophobia)

-panic at the disco (panic attack)


"Wilbur! Wilbur let me out!" The scared blonde said as he tried pushing the piston that practically slammed into the wall. "Will please! Please let me out!" He heard laughter from his two older brothers from the other side of the blocks placed in front of him. It was very dark in the tiny crawl space he was newly trapped inside of. 

"Have fun in there Tommy! We'll get you out in a few hours! Or not!" Wilbur yelled as he walked  began to walk upstairs, Techno laughing as the two walked out. 

"Will?! Techno?! Please don't leave me! I-i..i'm scared..." He said the last part quietly, feeling tears begin to roll down his cheeks. He tried pushing against the redstone machine again, feeling it begin to move. "Yes! Yes! I'm going to- AH!" Suddenly the piston pushed him down so he was ducked under it. His chest was pressed into his legs, while his head was stuck on his knees. "I-i need to get out!" His breathing began to speed up, seeing the dark walls around him begin to get even closer. "Please help... someone..." He said into his knees, letting himself pass out. 

Wilbur and Technoblade walked out of pogtopia, chuckling as they walked away from their younger brother. Both of them thought what happened was hilarious, he would be perfectly fine, just a little shaken up and taught a lesson hopefully. "The best part is he did it to himself! This is hopefully a lesson he'll actually learn from!" Will laughed, crossing his arms as he stood with Techno.

"He better, if he doesn't we'll just re-lock him in there!" The piglin hybrid laughed along with the brunette. The two were unable to stop laughing as Tubbo walked over to the older boys. 

"Hey Wilbur, hey Techno, whats so funny? Did I miss something?" The shorter boy asked, looking up at them. 

"Oh you missed it! Tommy got himself stuck in between a piston!" Will replied, beginning to laugh harder. Though Tubbo didn't begin to laugh, instead he locked shocked, unable to speak. "Isn't that hilarious?" 

"Are-are you guys serious? You need to get him out of there! He's claustrophobic! And if he's stuck under or between a piston he could be hurt or worse!" Finally the two older brother stopped laughing, realizing their giant mistake. "If you won't get him out, I will!" The younger boy began to run, quickly making his way inside Pogtopia as quickly as he could. Wilbur and Technoblade quickly ran down after him, all three of them going right over to where Tommy was trapped. Techno quickly pulled out his pickaxe, breaking the redstone block and piston so the blonde fell out. 

"Tommy! Oh god" Will quickly picked up his younger brother, checking for a pulse and broken bones. "He's alright.. Just passed out.."

"And probably scarred for life you idiots! You two seriously are the worse brothers ever!" Tubbo yelled at the two as the tall lanky man went towards Tommy's room, laying him down on the red bed. "Now you two need to give him some space until he's willing to talk to you."

Tommy slept for around a half hour before waking up in a panic, practically jumping out of his bed, thinking he was still somehow trapped under the piston. Tubbo ran into the room as fast as could, closing the door so Wilbur and Techno wouldn't come in. "Hey, hey, Toms, you're okay." He said softly, sitting next to the traumatized blonde. 

"I-i was stuck- and-and they left- and I couldn't- I was scared-" The brunette quickly pulled his friend into a hug, rubbing his back to hopefully calm him down. 

"You're safe now. I promise this won't ever happen again. If I was here I would've gotten you out as fast as I could.."

"I know.. Thank you for getting me out.."

"Of course.."

Word count:696

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