⚔️Awesamdad PT4⚔️

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Warning this story features



-full on sadness (be ready for tears)



-Suicide (it doesn't happen, Tommy just mentions it in the beginning)

Also this story doesn't follow actual science about a couple things so shhhhhhhhhh

Everything slowly began to go back to normal, though Sam had kept a very close eyes on him for a while, he finally was easing up. Tommy seemed happier, seemed like he could take on the world once again. Finally the younger boy was going to go do a task for Sam Nook again, an easy task but it was still a task. Tommy was asked to go get 8 stacks of spruce wood for the hotel, though he was a little against getting spruce, he agreed, but of course he couldn't go alone. Niki offered to go with him, though Sam was a little skeptical, he agreed to let her go. 

"So where are you taking me?" The blonde boy asked as they walk through the trees.

"Theres this place past Snowchester that has a lot of spruce trees, we can probably get 8 stacks easily"

"Why don't we just go to Snowchester? Tubbo wouldn't care if I cut down some of his trees."

"Because this will be faster, just trust me"

"..Okay..Why did you want to come with me anyways? I don't need a babysitter" Tommy crossed his arms, annoyed that he had to bring a girl along. 

"Well Puffy said something about Sam being worried about you so I offered to come help you out."

"Great..." The younger boy sighed, did Sam tell everyone about him trying to commit suicide? Couldn't his dad just keep it between them? "How much farther is the place?"

"Not too much farther, just over that hill ahead" Niki pointed out towards this grassy hill ahead. "Oh dang it"


"I forgot something, i'll be right back, keep walking without me"

"Uh okay.." Niki waved to Tommy before beginning to run back towards the way they came. Though Tommy was a little skeptical..he kept walking over the hill. Everything seemed at least semi normal..Why was Niki acting so weird? And why didn't they just get the wood from Snowchester? 

"TOMMY!" The young boy looked around, had he heard his dad calling out for him? His question wouldn't be answered, since a bright light, and loud bang forcefully threw him backwards..before everything turned dark for good..

Awesamdude, who had been with Tubbo and Jackmanifold to watch the nuke go off, quickly ran down to the crater. He swore he saw his son running around there right before the explosion, all he could hope was that he was wrong... The nervous father quickly made his way to the edge of the crater, seeing a netherite axe on the ground...Tommy's axe.. "TOMMY?! TOMMY?!" He called out as loud as he could for his son. 

"Sam, why are you yelling for Tommy?" Tubbo asked, causing the older gentleman to turn around. 

"I saw Tommy running around right before the explosion went off.. And now I found this" He showed the younger boy the axe in his hands. "He's probably around here somewhere..We need to find him."

Tommy slowly began to wake up, feeling the rush of pain flow through his body, what the hell happened? The boy slowly opened his eyes, waiting for the darkness to disappear..but it never did. "Wh-why can't I see..? What's going on..?" He asked a loud to anyone who could hear him, but he heard no reply. Was anyone even around? "Hello? I-is anyone there..?" He called out again, hearing nothing but nature around him. 

The young boy carefully sat up, leaving him in ever more pain and more tired than before, he couldn't even tell where all his wounds were from how much pain he was in. "Hello? P-please is there anyone there..? Can anyone hear me?" He continued to call out for anyone who could hear, anyone who was out there. He was about to stop when he heard someone calling out for him..

"Tommy? Tommy, are you around here?" It was Sam..it was his dad..

"D-dad?" The young boy took a shaky breath. "Dad! I-i'm over-over here.." Tommy began to close his eyes, fighting to stay conscious just a little longer. "D-dad...i-i'm over..over here.."

"Tommy!" The blonde boy suddenly felt hands pressed against his cheeks, it was Sam.. "Oh my poor boy..you're going to be okay..I promise.."

"Dad..I-i can't see..Everything is just dark.." 

"It's okay..Just close your eyes okay?" Tommy did as he was told, closing his eyes. "You're going to be okay..I-I promised to keep you safe, a-and i'm not breaking that promise.."

Sam could see how bad Tommy was injured, he lost a lot of blood and had many burn marks all over him. His son's eyes had become a light gray from the bright explosion that had happened nearly minutes ago. "You're going to be okay..You're g-going to be okay.." He pulled Tommy into his arms, keeping him as close as he could. 

"D-dad..N-niki..brought me here..She said w-we would get more woo-wood here..I-i didn't finish my task..i-i'm sorry.."

"It's okay..it doesn't matter right now, alright? You can complete it later..once you're feeling better..once you're healed.."

"I-i don't think i-i'll be able to complete it..i-i'm sorry.." 

"Tommy.. don't say that..you're going to be okay..you're-you're.." Finally the tears broke lose, he let out a few silent sobs, pulling Tommy even closer. "I-I was supposed to protect you..I-I was supposed to keep you safe..." 

"Y-you did amazing dad...you are the best dad i-i've ever have...Th-thank you.." Tommy's head slowly rolled back, leaving the rest of his body to go limp in Sam's arms.

"Tommy...I-i'm sorry..i'm so sorry.."

Word Count: 942

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