🎢Do We Have To?🎢

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I've been working on this story for way too long XD

like literal months-

Warning this story mentions

-panic attacks

"Come on, Toms! It'll be fun! And this is an easy one!" Wilbur said, grabbing his arm and pulling him in line.

"Will I-I don't know if I want to do this.. I really don't like rollercoasters.. Can't we do a different one? Like one thats not a roller coaster?"

"Tommy, there are only roller coasters here! This is the smallest one here!" Phil waved to them as they got in line for 'The Blade'. Tommy was terrified, he really didn't like rollercoasters, they terrified him since he was a kid and almost died on one. Though he'd never tell the two older guys about it, he was a strong man!

"O-okay... I'm not going to fall out right?"

"You'll be fine, but if you do, land towards the water or grass"

"Wh-what?! You're joking right?" Will chuckled, not replying to the blondes question as they stepped onto the ride. "Will I-I don't know if I wanna ride this anymore.."

"Come on, you'll be fine" The brunette chuckled, sitting down, Tommy sat next to him, letting the two get buckled in. "Hey, if you need to you can hold my hand" He chuckled.

"Oh shut up, Will.."

The ride began to move back and forth, it started off semi-slow, beginning to go faster and faster. The younger boy couldn't help but close his eyes, hiding his face into the older boy's shoulder out of fear. He hugged Will tight, hearing him chuckle. The brunette put an arm around Tommy as he laughed, finding the boys fear funny. Once the ride slowly pulled to a stop, the two let go of each other.

"Hey, are you okay?" Wilbur asked, Tommy just gave a fake smile and nodded before climbing off. 

"Alright, where are we going next you too?" Phil asked as the two walked over to him. 

"Let's go on that one!" Will said, pointing at a large roller coaster called the smiler. The blonde gulped as he looked at the track, it went so high, and looked like it went so fast! 

"I-i'm not sure if I want to do that one-" 

"Come on! It'll be fun! Don't be a chicken!" The grandpa (hehe) was about to intervene with the tall brunette teasing when Tommy crossed his arms. 

"I'm not a chicken! Fine let's do it!" 

The three quickly got in line, seeing it would probably be at least 20 minutes they got to chatting. Though it was more Will and Phil talking then Tommy, who's anxiety was slowly eating at him. All he could think about was how he was going to die on this roller coaster. 

"Tommy?" He jumped a bit at the sudden attention grabber. He looked to his friends, seeing concerned looks on their faces. "Are you alright? You've been zoned out for like 10 minutes.." The tall brunette said.

"I'm fine, just thinking.."

"We don't have to go on this one, mate, we could do a different one if you want?" Phil suggested.

"No, we can.. We can do this one.." As if the writer wanted stuff to happen faster, the three were at the front of the line, practically being pushed into their seats. 

"Toms" The blonde turned his head after fastening his seat belt. "If you need to you can hold my hand, if that helps." Wilbur said, no joking tone in his voice. "You'll be okay"

"Okay.. Thanks Will.." The harness thing was pulled down in front of them, once seatbelts were checked the ride started moving, making Tommys worried shoot through the sky. He immediately gripped his friends hand tight. His breath began to speed up, squeezing Wilbur's hand as tight as he could. 

"Tommy, calm down, you're okay, nothing gonna happen-"

"I-i don't wanna fall out! I don't wanna fall out and die!" Tears began to roll down the blondes cheeks as he panicked, wanting to just go home. 

"Toms. Tommy look at me." The blonde looked over at his friend. "I want you to close your eyes and just listen to me okay?" He did as he was told waiting for Will to continue. "Breath in for 4 counts.. Hold for 4.. Breath out 4.." The tall lanky bean continued the breathing counts for Tommy as the ride went on until it stopped. "It's over, we can get off now" As soon as the harness was released, and they unbuckled, Tommy fell to his knees, so happy to just be on the ground again. 

"Th-thank you Will.."

"Of course, are you alright?" 

"I just wanna go home..." Wilbur offered him a hand up but the blonde just made grabby hands at him like a child. (this isnt a age regression one shot, i'll make another tho soon, give me some age regression ideas tho :D) Will rolled his eyes, before picking him up, feeling his internet brother put his arms around his neck.

"I've got you Toms, i've got you.."

Word count: 844

Sleepy Bois Inc One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن