😷Nether Sickness😷

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Warning this story features



It was a hot day in the nether, though it always was in the red hell land. Tubbo, Tommy, and Wilbur had gone out to get more netherite for their armor since they were running low, but instead of finding the indestructible substance they found a nether fortress! Though this wasn't what they were looking for, the blaze rods and wither skulls they earned from the fortress were going to be useful for 'drugs'. The three had decided to split up to get more resources faster, leaving everyone by themselves.

Tommy decided to get wither skulls while Tubbo and Wilbur had gone separate ways to get as many blaze rods as they could. Getting skulls was going to be a bit easier hopefully, as long as he wasn't cut with one of their blades, he would be perfectly fine. The blonde boy held a diamond sword as he cut through the skeleton's bodies.

"Yes! Another one down! Thats 12 skulls!" He yelled, being his cocky self, even doing a little victory dance. His little dance had distracted him from other wither skeletons coming, he finally noticed when he felt a blade hit his arm. Tommy quickly swung at the other skeleton, shattering its ribcage before checking his own wound. The wound was just a small cut right above his elbow, he wasn't too worried until he saw the cut start to turn black..

"Shit..that's definitely not good.." He pulled down his sleeve so Tubbo and Wilbur wouldn't be able to see the mark, he'd probably be fine anyways.. Though he needed to get back to them, just in case. 

Tommy quickly headed back in the direction of the portal, keeping his guard up as he walked. After a few minutes of walking, he saw his best friend and older brother, sitting by the portal talking. "Were you two pricks just going to leave me?"

"We were thinking about it" Wilbur chuckled, earning a punch in the arm from Tommy. "Let's get back, I think we've definitely got enough blaze rods"

"That's good, let's go" Tommy flashed a small smile before walking through the portal. Though he wasn't feeling well at all, he had to at least pretend he did so Tubbo and Wilbur wouldn't worry. 

The three walked through the portal, first Wilbur, then Tubbo, then Tommy, though Tommy wished he didn't go through at all.. Once he planted his feet in the green grass, his vision began to get blurry. "Wi-will.." Before his brother could turn around, Tommy collapsed to the ground. The last thing he heard was Tubbo and Wilbur call out his name, before everything went dark..

A few hours later...

"Hows he doing?" Wilbur asked as he walked into Tommy's room, seeing him still passed out. The boy had been out cold since they walked out of the portal, his condition was only getting worse and worse. The two noticed how his skin had becoming as black as the night, the nether sickness was just getting worse..

"Not good.. Are we even going to tell Phil?"

"..No. Theres no point."

"Tommy's his son though..He deserves to know.."

"I've been taking care of Tommy since I was 15, Tubbo. Phil doesn't care at all about either of us.."

"Maybe things have changed, Wilbur? 

"No. They haven't. I haven't seen Phil in years, nothing has changed."

"You're not even going to try and talk to him? At least send him a letter to tell him whats happening" 

"..Fine..I'm telling you he's not going to care."

Another few hours later...

Technoblade sat in his small home, drinking a hot chocolate by the fire when Philza Minecraft walked in, holding a letter in his hand.

"Is that a letter?" He asked, seeing his father sit down across from him.

"It is.."

"From who? Will?"

"Yes." Phil just set it on the table without opening it.

"You're not going to read it? He's your son, there could be something seriously wrong"

"It's probably not important, Techno"

"But what if it is important, you should at least read it"

"If you think it's so important, then you read it." Phil stood up, immediately walking out of the house in frustration. The blood god looked at the letter sitting on the table, grabbing the envelope and opening it. Techno quickly read the letter, shock appearing on his face. 

"God dammit.." He stood up, grabbing his sword and running out the door to his horse. He didn't really seem to care about what Phil would think, he needed to see his brothers before anything got worse..

Technoblade raced town on Carl, holding his horses reigns tightly. His mind was all over the place, mainly wondering if he was too late... 

He stopped in front of Tommy's home, tying his horse to a fence outside and making his way inside.

"Techno?" Wilbur said a loud, looking at his younger brother. "What are you doing here?"

"I read the letter you sent Phil.. Is he..?"

"No, he's still alive.. He's unconscious though, he's been out cold since we came back from the nether.."

"How is he?"

"..hes not doing good.." Will looked to the floor. "He's dying Techno, and I can't stop it..I can't help our baby brother.."

"I may have something that could help.." The oldest brother looked up, eyes full of hope. "I'm not sure if it'll work though.."

"We have to try."

The two older brother hurried to Tommy's room, seeing Tubbo sitting by his best friends bed. Tommy's arms and legs had turned black, it was worse than Techno had thought.. He sat down on the other side of his brothers bed, pulling out a small golden figure. (what is with me and totems? every time characters are about to die, i just have one-)

"Is that a totem?" Wilbur asked.

"It is.. I'm not sure if this will heal him but it's worth a try right?" Techno set the golden figure on his younger brothers chest, moving Tommy's hands to set them on the totem. "Let's hope this works.." He said under his breath.

The sun began to rise of L'manburg, Technoblade and Tubbo had left Tommy's home a little while ago, leaving a sleeping Wilbur in the young boys home. He had fallen asleep watching over his little brother. 

He most likely would've stayed asleep if he hadn't been woken up by a groan. The older boy opened his eyes, sitting up to see Tommy rubbing his eyes, sitting up straight.

"Tommy..You're okay..."

"Yeah..I guess I am.." Will stood up quickly giving his younger brother a tight hug.

"Don't ever do something like that again, okay? You and Tubbo are the only real family I have.."

"I'm sorry I just didn't want you to worry" 

"That's my job, Tommy! I'm your older brother!" Wilbur let go, just keeping a tight grip on Tommy's shoulders, both boys had tears in their eyes. "I'm supposed to worry about you."

"I thought you were supposed to bully me?"

"That too.."

Word Count: 1176

I bet you all thought i was gonna kill Tommy :)

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