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Welcome to final shoooowwww, I hope your wearing your best clothes....
Hold tight this is going to be a long one.

Mya AmaliaNew Orlands

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Mya Amalia
New Orlands

It's the last day, and I'm fucking scared for my life, my baby and our future. Like Louis has always said 'have faith in the future.' Well, I wish I could say the same for this situation because I wish I did have faith in it. No I shouldn't think like that, in fact I have so much faith in our new life that I'm completely shitting bricks at the fact it's already been messed up.

I've rang her six times now, and still no response. I tap the pen in my hand on the table in front of me as I look at all the notes I have written down for mine and poppies timeline. My hair pulled back into a messy bun while the white bralet digs into me slightly. God I've gained some weight and I'm only nearly 12 weeks into this pregnancy, I wonder what I will look like at 8 months.

"Hello?" She finally answers and my heart skips a beat with relief.

"Hey-" I quickly clear my voice "hey grandma it's me, mya." I immediately begin writing down on my notes page to buy some bigger bras and pants.

"Oh hey sweetie, is everything okay?" She questions. I nod as if she is in the room with me.

"Yeah actually I need to talk to you about something." I mumble, lord this is going to be hard.

The line drops silent for a moment. "Of course dear. What is it?" She asks me in a sweet tone.

I clear my throat once more before I start to tap my pen off the desk again. "Well I'm in some trouble-,"
She cuts me off "What kind of trouble?"
"Trouble that I need to leave the state."
A groan comes from the other end of the phone "Mya Amalia! What in the gods name have you done? You better not be like your father." She snaps at me slightly, her dementia talking for her.
"I will explain it all when I get to you. Me and a friend need somewhere to stay for a week or so before we move into our place. Is it okay if we stay with you?" I ask her. My heart pounding because I still haven't told her the worst part yet. I blink at the paper with other names on the sheet that I could possibly turn to if this goes wrong.

"Yes of course you can." Her voice returns back to sweet and calm.
"I need to tell you something else." I mumble.
"What?" She asks me.
"I'm pregnant." Fuck me sideways.

Silence. For fucks sake.
"Your pregnant?!" She suddenly shouts at me "who is the father?!"
"Someone I love."
"Is this the friend?"
I pause "No. I have to leave him, he's part of what dad did."
A sigh comes from her. "We will talk when you get here. See you soon."
"Okay." I reply, defeated and overwhelmed with other tasks that I don't have the energy to argue with her.

"Love you." She says before hanging up. I stare at the flip phone in my hand before placing it on the desk, turning my attention back to the notes in front of me.

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