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Mya Amalia

Its very overwhelming being here and seeing other women with large bumps. That will be me soon and it panics me but god dont get me started on Harry, he's done non-stop but cling to me like one of the women here are going to belly bounce him. 

"Its freezing in here." Harry snaps as he shuffles in his seat. I glance over at him to see his eyes darting around the room. 

"Its not that cold." He's so dramatic for no reason, He turns his head to look at me.

"Easy for you to say, your wearing like three layers." he scoffs at me, I look down to see Harry's jumper, jacket and my coat. Well, i guess he has a point. I begin to take off my coat and his jacket. I hold it out for him to take but he just stares at me like im trying to give him my organs in a bag. 

"Take it then." I push it into his hands and put my own coat back on. Harry just stares at the clothing in his hand. "What?" I question, harry gives me a gentle smile before gripping my chin and pulling me in for a swift kiss, his lips brush against mine lightly before he deepens the kiss. I can't help but grin into his mouth making him pull away and look at me. 

His eyes glimmer in the light as they study my face, his pupils enlarge slightly. "Your so pretty. I love you." 

I pause slightly and give him a warm smile. "I love you too, even though you're a stubborn pain in the ass." I tease him slightly, he rolls his eyes at me before pecking my lips again before I cuddle more into his side as he grips my side. His fingers running up and down my body. We sit quietly, just getting more wrapped into our own little world. A normal life where we sit waiting to see how our child is developing-

"Miss Amalia?" I blink quickly and bring myself back to reality when I hear my name being called. I sit up and glance at Harry, who is now looking down at his hands as he picks at them. I stand up and nod at her before grabbing Harry's hand, he stands up quickly and pulls away. I frown mentally. 

I glance at the nurse who is standing with a small smile on her face. Her hair sits in a large bun on top of her head and her scrubs have little kittens on it. I follow closely behind her, I can hear Harrys footsteps behind me as we enter the room. 

"Hello, my name is Andria and I will be your midwife for today." She smiles at me and Harry before directing him to sit on a seat next to the bed I have to lay on. I take off my coat and hand it to him before getting onto the bed. 

"Okay, so I just need you to roll up your top." I follow the instructions, I look over at Harry to see him just staring at the wall opposite us. I follow where his eyes are to see, a picture of a random family holding a small baby. Their faces plastered with pure bliss. Hes freaking out I can tell.

"This jelly will be a little cold love." My attention is taken by the cold liquid being put onto me. "So how far along are you?" She questions.

"Im about 9 weeks along." I half-smile at her, she nods at me before placing the probe onto my stomach. I watch her carefully as she stares at the screen. I glance at Harry to see him now looking at my stomach, I reach my hand to hold his. He quickly looks at me as he hesitates to take it. He slowly threads his fingers through mine. At least he isn't all closed off. 

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