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Harry's hands wander my body as our mouths move in sync with each other. The hot feeling in my stomach appearing. My hands knit into Harry's hair, tugging it slightly making him moan lightly in my mouth. His hips pressed up against my throbbing centre. I pause for a moment Me and Harry both panting, My eyes dart around Harry as I take in all of his features; His pupils enlarged, his lips pink and his cheeks flushed.

"What?" He half-smiles at me, his eyes flickering down at my lips and eyes. I glance to the door and nudge my head to the side in its direction.

"Its not locked." I stare at his side profile as he looks over at the door.

"Its fine." He quickly mumbles before going in to pepper sloppy kisses along my neck, making my whole body tingle. It's a lot like static, but a good static. My breathing picking up slightly from his touch, but I can't and won't do anything with that door unlocked. Not only could any of the boys burst in but so could Poppy or security. I grip hold of the side of Harry's face, pulling it in my direction, making his lips detach.

"I will go lock it." I smile at him before sliding out from his grip as I speed over to the door, I quickly turn the little lock before turning around. I jump when Harry stands directly in front of me. A dark smirk on his face that makes my stomach churn.

"Make you jump pretty girl?" He questions as he runs his finger along the side of my face before going down my neck, pulling the large jacket off my shoulders. My eyes stay glued to his as I help him to take it off, my eyes breaking the contact as I watch Harry throw the clothing blindly away from us. Before I can think, Harry slides his hands under my thighs as he picks me off my feet. His hands gripping my ass firmly as our centres align to each other. Making the heat in between my legs grow slowly as he grinds his hips against me as he slips his tongue into my mouth, to deepen the kiss.

I whine into his mouth, as his bulge rubs against my bundle of nerves. Harry humming with approval. My hands move to his belt, my fingers fumbling with the buckle as I try and hold myself up. Its harder than it looks in the films. I finally undo it I pull it out from his pants before my hands aimlessly go to his buttons and zipper. I yelp out of surprise when harry rips me away from the wall, making me nearly fall from not having my hands around him.

Harry laughs under his breath before latching his lips to my neck, my breathing hitching in my throat as he sucks at the skin, nibbling at it as he walks towards something. I keep my hands knitted into his hair, suddenly I get thrown onto a couch before harry hovers over me. He pulls our lips apart to admire my body. A large grin appearing on his face. The more time ive spent with him the less awkaward I feel around him. Compared to the first time, I felt so self-conscious about what he was thinking, what I looked like. But, now it's nothing like that anymore. I don't have that horrible gut feeling when getting undressed in front of him, instead there more like butterflies. Im more excited to see his reaction.

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