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I stood in the kitchen for a good five minutes before grabbing my clothes and heading upstairs. I could hear the shower running as i walk by before I head into my room and go through the items that I picked today. I decide on a low v cut white ruffly dress that ends around the hem of my thighs. It was really warm today and I knew I was going to be surrounded by a load of sweaty people. Which is the last thing I want to do because I will trigger off a panic attack, which could blow the boys cover and then they will hate me even more. What if Zayn has found out and he comes and grabs me again to finish what he started and Harry cannot do anything about it. 

I have drifted off into another world to the point when I switch back to reality, I'm already dressed and I have put on a thin layer of mascara and red lipstick, my hair up in a messy bun. I brush my dress down with my hands before spraying myself with a fruity perfume that I bought today. I grab my large black jacket and my new vans. I sit on the couch and slide on my new shoes, praying that they don't rub. I hear Harry's shoes hitting off the marble stairs, He comes into the room and stands directly in front of me. 

"You ready. Peach?" harry intimates Niall. I chuckle and hit his shoulder playfully. 

"Yep." I say before walking ahead of him.

"Phone." I hear harry call out to me, I quickly turn around to see him stood it the same spot. he picks it up and chucks it to me dangerously, I catch it luckily. 

"harry! I could of dropped it then." I raise my voice at him. He shrugs at me and walks over to the door. 

"Well you caught it didn't you." He rolls his eyes at me , We step out into the hallway and go towards the exit, Harry places his hand on my lower back to guide me. 

"I thought your only meant to do this when we are at the trade, Mr styles." I look at him over my shoulder. His emerald green eyes roll at me for the hundredth time today. 

"Well i want to. If that's okay ms Amalia." He grins mischievously at me, I smile back and rest my head on his chest for a minute. I push the steel exit door open, Harry lets go of my back and walks ahead of me. He unlocks the car and jumps in, I get in next to him . He turns over the engine and speeds out of the Car park. For most of the drive, we sit in silence as harry swerves in between traffic.

"So. Plans, very similar to the first trade apart from we arent shooting anyone. We will also have to wait until the trade people arrive at the pier so we could be here for hours." Harry explains while we race down the highway, he glances at me a couple of times. I sit in silence. 

"I won't leave you." Harry realises i haven't said anything back to him. I twiddle with my thumbs a little before I look at him. 

"Thank you. I hate piers." I chuckle lightly to cover up the fact that I'm absolutely terrified. Harry places his ring covered hand over my thigh, engulfing it. 

"Dont worry darling. I will keep you safe." He grips my thigh a little to reassure me, I nod and pat his hand a little as a thank you. Harry takes his hand off my leg, I feel a little empty as soon as he takes it off. Like his hand is meant to be there. 


We pull into the busy area and into a spot in the car park over to the far left so Harry's car is a little bit hidden. We both get out and meet each other at the front of the car, Harry wraps his large arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. This is where the action starts between us, We walk over to the entrance of the pier where all the boys are gathered all of them practically wearing the same clothes. Jeans and a plain coloured top. I look at Niall, normally he's the first one to greet me when I arrive anywhere. But, he doesn't even lift his head to even look at me. I immediately want to cry, because I've clearly done something to make him feel upset with me. 

"Okay, Harry have you had any news about what time the traders should be here?" Louis asks Harry who still has his arm around my waist tightly.

"The only new info I have is that they can be here from anytime between 9-11PM. Exalted said all of us will get a text when they are in the spot." Harry explains to the boys, I stare at Niall. He hasn't made eye contact with me once. 

"Well I'm off to make the spare time useful," Niall says before walking away. Louis and Liam agree before walking in the same direction of Niall. Me and Harry stand still for a moment. 

"Have you said something to Niall?" I ask while i absorb my surroundings. 

"No. Why?" he replies. I turn my head and look at him, I feel my eyes begin to water. I feel so sad all of a sudden, i just want to go hideaway in Harry's car. "Woah. What's wrong?" He turns my body to face him. 

"He hates me.Ive clearly upset him. But i haven't even done anything? Or have i? Im a horrible person." I place my hands into my face while my thoughts spiral dramatically, Harry pulls me closer to him.

"No. That's just Niall, when we do jobs he either goes two ways. Mad or an ignorant cunt. Your not a horrible person" Harry explains to me, He pulls my head up to look at him, He pecks my lips. "Don't worry about him. Let's go have some fun." He smiles at me before wiping my tears away from under my eyes and guiding me into the madness by the hem of my back.

That was so random. Did he just kiss me in public?! And did he just comfort me ?


Cliffhanger.... Sorryyy don't hate me :') I was going to put it into one chapter but it would of taken me ages. and quality over quantity :)

Vote and comment my lovelies <3

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