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Myas pov:

Its been three days since Harry took me to see his mother and since then its been radio silence. Hes been off, a little too off. No contact, no trying. No nothing. I thought he said he was going to try? I guess not. Its so fucking hard to help someone that doesn't want to be helped. 

"Grandma?" Im so shocked to be hearing from her. I haven't seen or heard anything from her since like stone age times. But of course, she would call me as im about to head out to go somewhere. Hopefully, Harry will hear me and want to tag along

"Hey darling, I wanted to give you a call to say how sorry i am about your mother." I think she is forgetting that 'My mother' Is her daughter too. 

"Oh. Thank you, I miss her. But i have distracted myself with some things so im coping." I nervously laugh as i walk down the hall, not too sure on what to say. 

"What are you doing?" Suddenly her voice changes into a threatening tone, catching me off guard. 

"I. Um im on tour with some of my friends. You know im pursuing my singing career like you always wanted me to." Thats all my grandmother spoke about when i was younger, Always telling me i had a gift and i needed to use it to the best of my ability. Well, look at me now bitch. Obviously, im not calling my grandmother a bitch. Obviously. 

"Good. Well now that i have your number, i will stay in touch dear." This woman is giving me whiplash with all the mood changes. I hum in agreement as i press the button for the elevator. 

"Yes. I will try and get down to see you at some point. Ive missed you." 

"I miss you too sweetie." I feel my emotions beginning to take control of me. Goddamit this is meant to be a fun day. The line goes into silence for a second. 

"Well i better get going." I say feeling awkward. 

"Okay, Speak soon." Her voice is full of hope. 

"We will, Love you bye." I say.

"Tarra love." The line cuts dead, I clear my throat and type in Harry's name into my phone, I press the call button and put it to my ear. After a couple of rings, the line picks up, 

"Hello?" Why does everyone sound so fucking sad today. 

"Hey, Where are you?" I ask in a cheery voice as i step out onto the ground floor. 

"Out. Why?" Harrys voice is snappy and short, Making me feel uneasy. 

"Well, You have like sort have pulled an adele on me and i thought we could do something today." I try and reason with him, already feeling like im wasting my time. The line goes dead. 

"Send me the location and i will be there in 10." His voice is deep and slightly annoyed. 

"Okay I will. I lov- Um bye." Am i fucking stupid? I don't give him chance to reply before hanging up the phone and pulling up the address. I quickly send it to him before rushing out into the back of the hotel. Hopping into the car that i had requested. 

As i drive down the street, blasting out some Bruno mars. Someone catches my eye from next to me as i pull up to a red light. I glance over to see the familiar curly-haired brunette. I stare at him hoping that he will look over at me, but he doesn't. But then something else catches my eye. A girl sat next to him. My heart instantly drops as i look at her, shes so pretty. Someone harry would definitely sleep with. Why is she with him? I watch as i see the girl move her hand from the radio dial to where i can only guess harrys dick. I glance back at the road and shut my eyes, no way is this happening right now. I open them back up as the light turns green. I wonder if this prick will say anything about her when we get there. I speed slightly as i set off, the feeling of rage and sadness taking over. I guess this is my fault. I let myself get involved with someone that is so disloyal. I should of picked Niall, he's so sweet to me still, even after everything. 

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