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Harry has gone back to work and I've gone back to cleaning his house like the little slave i am. Nothing beats a Monday morning scrubbing in between the cracks of the kitchen tiles. I can tell he has run out of chores for me to do because he's telling me to do the most stupids things ever, Yesterday i had to wipe every single wall in the house because it was gathering 'dust'. 

The house has been quiet especially between me and harry normally we argue every other day. But since that day at the casino when harry shot someone right behind me along with how touchy we were with each other that day. But that isn't really that significant to the point where he avoids me at all costs because i was only his 'arm candy' to make a cover. 

I'm scrubbing the kitchen tiles to perfection as my first task of the day. They were pretty clean anyway so i know it won't take me as long to complete.  I hum and sing random lyrics as i brush the grime away. Until i hear the front door open, I'm a little confused on why Harry is back already. he might have forgotten something, he might have forgotten to grab his keys or something stupid like that. 

After hearing the door close the house goes silent, Has he taken off his shoes finally? I would probably cry with happiness if he's done that after the number of times I've asked him to take off his shoes after I've scrubbed the house clean. just For him. I smile at the thought of it, but i freeze instantly when i feel a hard cold object be pressed to the back of my head. A gun. A gun has just been pressed to the back of my head, does harry seriously think that putting a gun to the back of my head is funny. I bet its probably that stupid gun that he had at the Casino. 

"Ha. Ha very funny harry." I stop scrubbing and place my hands on my hips. Suddenly a deep voice speaks from behind me. 

"I'm not Harry Babe." who knew four words could make someone so scared. I stay completely still, panic starts to pump through my veins.

"What. what do you want?"I mumble, hoping that they will just leave me and go burgle the rest of the house.

"You." He says back. This can not be happening right now. Please i beg and hope that anyone, literally anyone will walk in right now and help me. 

"I mean nothing to you. Please don't do this." I beg. He simply laughs under his breath. I look around to see if there is anything that i can use to use as protection, But if i move to fast then this guy can just pull the trigger into the back of my head. And that would simply be the last of me. Just one bullet can end me.

"I think you mean something to me." He says back calmly, which is the complete opposite of my feelings. I realise that there is scolding water right next to me. If I quickly grab it I can throw it on them and make a run for it out of the door. In a quick decision, I grab the water from the ground and throw it behind me. Expecting a scream of pain but all I hear is the sound of the water hitting the floor. 

"Okay, the hard way it is then." He says in a huff. In a panic I start to scream out for someone, hoping one of the boys are at home I stand and turn around to try and find somewhere to run. The man stands tall in front of me. Dressed in all black, his face covered by a plain white mask. He grabs me and places tape over my mouth. His hand's death grips my wrists before he wraps tape over them, I cry and scream into the tape as he pulls me to the ground. My head hitting hard off the floor. My vision becomes blurred slightly and my ears begin to ring as I feel the stickiness of the tape been wrapped around my ankles before my head is ragged and a bag is placed on my head. What is my luck, i hope harry is close near home.


Oh damn. What the fackkkk.

Im so close to hitting 200 reads guys. Im super excited <3

Remember to vote and comment pls , much luv<3

Remember to vote and comment pls , much luv<3

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Also besties. New cover!!! what do you all think

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