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After eating my breakfast i go upstairs and dry my hair before getting changed into a pink baby tee and some blue jeans. My hair is still slightly damp so I french braid it so its out of my face. I apply some slight makeup before heading to Harrys room. I knock on the door before walking in. Harry stands by his dresser. Only in some tight black boxer shorts. His hair dripping with water, He must of just gotten out of the shower. His body is something I could get used to though. 

"Sorry i just came for my dress and my phone." I half smile before walking over to the side I stayed at last night and grab my dress that is folded neatly on the floor, I look for my phone under Harrys pillow and behind the nightstand before I remember that I put it under Harrys bed so I didn't have to message Niall back. I get onto my knees and peer my head under the bed. I see another black duffel bag. I wont question what is inside that one. My phone is further under the bed than I thought, I lean down and stretch my arm as far as possible. My fingers graze across it before I am able to get a good grip, I slide it out and get up from the floor. 

Harry stands right behind me, I yelp in surprise.

"Jeez Harry you scared me." I say while placing my hand on my chest and exhaling. he chuckles under his breath.

"Well i had to come to check out the view didn't I?" A smirk present on his face. He was still topless but his hair wasn't as soaked and he had some skinny black ripped jeans on. The waistband of his underwear sticking out slightly.  I roll my eyes and grab my dress off his bed before scooting past him and back out of his room. I go to the bathroom and place the washing into a laundry basket. My phone pings in my hand again. 

' Come let us in.' A message from Liam appears on the screen. I tut and head down the stairs to let the boys in.  Liam, Louis and Niall all walk in , one after the other. 

"Styles!" Louis shouts for Harry. Just as I close the door Harry comes down the stairs now fully dressed. The boys all greet Harry before heading into the kitchen I follow behind Liam at the very back. 

I head over to the refrigerator and grab a bottle of water for me and Harry because I caught him drinking mine the last I got one. I can feels Nialls eyes on me and I walk past him and go stand next to Harry. I place the water down in front of him. He looks at the bottle before at me.

"Thanks darling," he says before opening and taking a large sip of it. His cheeks filling up with water before he swallows it down. 

"Okay then. We got big news from the bb and they need us to get more trades done throughout the states since a lot of our men have been caught or killed." The fact that I could get killed if I go with them to more trades makes me want to throw up all over the counter. I take a swig of my water.  Niall hasn't stopped looking at me since I came into the kitchen. 

"So Styles. What plan have you come up with?" Liam looks over to Harry. He pulls out his phone and Im guessing he opens notes. 

"We just travel to the states and do the trades just like we have been doing." He states. I think for a second, that doesn't really make sense. 

"What if you get caught ? or raise suspicion to the police." I challenge while messing with my bottle in my hands. Louis laughs. 

"Mya. here's a fact, we have never been caught." I can see him roll his eyes at me. 

"But she does have a point tho tommo. It could raise suspicion. Which will lead to us been caught." Liam inputs. 

"So that's Harrys plan out of the question." Niall chuckles a little. I look at harry, His jaw is tense and i can see he is white-knuckling the side of the table, I sit on the stool in front of me. I slyly poke his leg to get his attention while Niall proposes his idea to everyone. His eyes look down at me. I nod my head slightly to my hand, his face looks confused for a minute before he realises. His hand slides under the island and grips mine, he interlocks our fingers together. The pad of my thumb rubs in circles on his hand. Signalling for him to calm down and it will be okay. 

"Nope Niall that idea is stupid." Liam says as i place my attention back to the conversation. 

"Tommo please tell me you have a good idea?" Liam exaggerates hand gestures to Louis. 

"Sorry to break it to you payno lad but i thought we was going to go with styles plan. Soo i didn't think of one." Louis crosses his arms with a smug expression on his face. Why has nobody asked me what my plan would be? 

"So we are fucked. i dont have a plan , Harrys will give it away and Nialls is just a big fat fucking no go." Liams face looks disappointed and a little panicked. "I will message exalted and tell them that we need more time." Liam says before pulling out his phone. I need to tell my idea now before its too late and something bad happens. 

"How good are your singing voices?" I question, My hand still intertwined with Harrys. They all look at me with confused expression. 

"What do you mean?" Liam asks me. 

"Well. You could form a band and I'm pretty sure you could make a few calls to get you all popular and then you go onto tour where you need to do the trades without causing suspicion." I tell them my plan. Liams face is slightly stunned as his mouth is slightly open. 

"You Mya are a fucking genius." Liam smiles at me. "How good is your singing voice?" Louis questions, I look over at him a smile plastered on my face. 

"Well i took a lot of lessons when i was younger so i know my stuff." I give him a fake smile. They all nod.

"You can be one of the main singers. Our distraction." Harry adds to the idea. Everyone agrees. 

"What would the band be called though?" Niall questions, We all go silent for a moment. Until i think of the perfect name for us. 

"Initation." I say, a smug look on my face. Harry squeezes my hand under the table I'm guessing is his way on saying well done i guess? 

"Perfect. I will message Exalted the plans. So we can start getting things prepared. We will have two months to write and record songs and get the name out there so we will be able to go onto tour." Liam speaks to himself slightly while his thumbs go crazy at his phone. Im a complete genius. 


Bigggggg plot twist here guys. It will progress the plot a lot so this will be exciting

Vote and comment. <3


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