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A Month later

Mya Amalia

4 more shows, Just 4 more shows. I can do it. I need to tell Poppy my plan and hope for the best. If not im... Well, im completely screwed. I need poppy with me because Alyia definitely will not help me. She has been plotting against me the whole time. Telling my school about my panic attacks, trying to go through my father's things, was I seriously that naive? Fuck, im still just as bad now. I should have never trusted harry. Never gave him another chance, fuck him and his fucking shitty life. I've always have been a people pleaser and im fed up with it.

I step out of the shower, the steam filling my lungs and clouding my thoughts. It's nicer being in here by myself. All alone, where nobody can get to me. Well, they probably could, It is strange to be in my own room again though. Much cleaner, but weird. I loved it when Harry used to sneak into the bathroom when I was in the shower so he could be closer to me. I wonder how many other women he's slept with since I ended things with him.

While wiping the mirror clean of consendation I can't help but think how the fuck im going to be able to tell Poppy my plan without freaking out. I can't do this life, no way. If we get caught, then I will make a deal with Ben. He needs me, If im killed then the whole family bloodline is finished. How was the rest of the guys so clueless of how distant im been? Do I seriously not mean anything to them? Just another 'chick' that was assigned to them?

I get my toothbrush off the side and brush my teeth before going out of my safe place, back into the coldness of my room. I need to message poppy, I search the area with my eyes before they land on a man standing outside on the balcony, making me jump out of my skin. For fuck sake, why is he here? I just want to get ready for the day and avoid him. Before I can do anything he turns to look at me. His pale green eyes staring right through my soul, while his skin is slightly tanned and a lit joint in between his fingers. I can't help but just stand here, helplessly. I watch as he takes another drag of the brown object before blowing out the dark grey smoke and throwing it away, He quickly opens the door and steps inside. I quickly begin to grab my clothes for the day and my phone which was next to my bed.

"Please Mya. I just... I need to explain myself." Harry spits out words to me, but im not listening. Why should I? I scoff as I try and grab my things to take back to my safe place. I stand up straight and begin to walk back to the bathroom, before I can even think Harry grips my arm making me flinch out of reaction. "Please don't. It hurts me when you do that."

I side-eye him, " It hurts you?! It fucking hurts you?! Shall I tell you what hurts me? When I see videos all over my fucking Twitter feed of you with someone else! Now get out!" I raise my voice as my emotions try and flow over the top.

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