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Harry Styles

"It's okay, your okay baby." What in the fucking fuck world has happened. She's with me now that's all that matters. I keep Mya tight in my grip as we walk down the hall, the sound of people talking becoming quieter.

I glance at her side profile, it looks so. Sad. What has happened. A member of staff pushes open a door and then instructs us to go to the main room where the rest of the boys are been told to come. I direct her to sit on a sofa.

I need to know how bad her injuries are. My eyes dart around her face as I try and see how deep the cuts are on her face.

"I don't know who that was." Her voice seems so weak.

I look at her, " I know baby. We will find out."

"I tried to call for you. But they were too fast." The look of coldness flashes over her face.

I don't normally care for someone like this, was always a fuck and Chuck type of person, never cared if I upset someone. Why would I have cared? They aren't important to me. But, here I am filled with guilt knowing that I wasn't there for someone that I care about so much. I could have stopped this, I didn't have to go out and meet with fans. I could have brought her with me, loads of people were asking where she was.

I grip her hands in mine " I'm so sorry. If I knew, I would haven't left you."

We drop into silence, her hands suddenly jolting from mine as she wraps her hands around my neck. Pulling me into her chest. Her heart going a million miles an hour.  What the actual fuck has happened? I need to ring Niall. 

"Baby. I promise you, I had no clue any of this was going to happen." I mumble into her neck, fluttering kisses on her skin to try and comfort her. 

"I know. My whole body hurts so much though." I fucking hate seeing her hurt, makes me feel physically sick that I couldn't do anything to stop or help her. I need to speak to Niall. Like right now. I pull away from her arms and look into her eyes, The mascara running down her cheeks with the redness around her under eyes. 

"Let me just ring Niall. I promise I won't leave you." I lower my voice, trying to reassure her. I need to know what is going on. I get up and grab my phone, immediately ringing Niall. 

'Hello?' This prick takes so fucking long to answer the phone

"What is going on man?" I can't help but raise my voice. What does he expect? 

'I don't know. There was a knife and a fucking Ghostface mask left behind. I sent Louis to look at it, better off ringin Lou.'

"For fucks sake Niall!" I kick the table in front of me in reflex before hanging up on him to ring Louis. 

'I found the mask man.'

"What the fuck is it?" I snap at him

'It's one of zayn's men. There's a note inside of it.' 

"Fucking send me a picture." 

I glance at Mya, her face pale and staring right back at me. Fuck she has more cuts on her than I realised.

My phone pings in my hand, Finally the fucking message from Louis. 

'Maybe next time...' 

Maybe fucking next time? Maybe fucking next time? What the fuck? 

I quickly run my fingers through my hair and go back over to Mya, taking her hands into mine. I cant keep her here. She's literally been hunted left-right and fucking centre, she needs to go somewhere she's safe.

I smile at her weakly for a second, "Let's go see grandma, eh?" 


Im so sorry this is such a short chapter, but I have zero energy to be able to write a 4000+ word chapter due to me having covid :(

I love you all though <3

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