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I close my door and head straight over to my wardrobe to grab my favourite red dress that i wore once to a party that my father threw when he became mayor. I squeeze into the dress while applying some eyeshadow and mascara. My hair already in a messy bun so i decide to leave it, I quickly grab some heels to match my dress,  fish out a diamond choker and some stud earrings, i put them on while heading down the hall back to the stairs. I can hear the boys in the kitchen obviously having pre drinks before they go out. 

The 5 of them are in the kitchen talking about absolute non sense so i make myself present:

"Are you already then?" I ask, immediately they all turn to look at me. Niall's jaw practically touches the floor.

"You are bangin' you are i will tell you that right no-" Niall begins to speak.

"Niall shut the fuck up man nobody wants to hear it you tit." Harry interrupts. I stand awkwardly before Harry starts to head towards the door. Niall slings his arm around my shoulder. Just as we are about to leave the house Harry turns around to face me. His deep green eyes looking right through my soul. 

"You better fucking not do any funny business I swear to go Mya i will end your life." Harrys tone serious enough to shake me to my core. I simply nod and he swings open the door that i have never step foot near since getting here 5 days ago. A dimly lit hallway with 6 doors dotted along the sides. Niall guides me along with his arm around me still, excitement courses through my veins. I will finally get to see light after been locked in a house constantly doing chores. After walking for about 2 Minuets down the hall we come to a large fire exit door , Louis pushes the door wide open. The sun is starting to go down as we walk out, I sigh in a deep breath of fresh air before quickly glancing at Niall. His blue eyes pierce mine, Niall is cute but he is very intimidating so i  look away and start to pick at my nails. 

3 cars park next to each other, 2 of them go into one car Louis and Niall jump into another one and harry tells me to get in with him which i do. I get into the front and buckle my seat belt. Harry jumps in next to me and starts up the engine, the 2 other cars revv their engines before Harry speeds off out of the car park. All the way there i stare out of the window at the trees and plants. 

Once we arrive Harry doesn't park in the front where most other cars are he fly's around the back of the car park and pulls up near a door. He switches off the engine and turns to face me:
"Right. Rules princess, rule one you cant leave any of our sights, rule two don't backchat any of the other boys, you don't know what they are capable of  rule three don't talk to anyone else apart from us or unless I say so .Rule four don't pull any stupid shit to make me embarrassed. Got it?" He talks down to me like im 5 years old. 

"Okay got it." I reply before Harry gets out of the car and i follow. The boys are waiting for us at a large steel door round the side of the building. One of the boys knocks on the door in only what I could say was a code before the door opens slightly. The man shows his wrist to someone inside the building, then the door closes before swinging open full enough for us to be able to enter. I follow behind Louis while Harry walks behind me. A dark and badly lit hallway welcomes us along with the scent of stale smoke and alcohol. Once walking down a sticky hallway we get to another door where Niall pushes it to awaken us to a nightclub with dancers and so many people. My anxiety starts to rise dramatically as we push through the crowds of people until we come to a private booth where niall louis and 2 other boys slide in before me and Harry do. Immediately waitresses start to crowd the table with vodka, champagne and other beers and spirits. 

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