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"So we have gotten to know each other alot over the past few days havent we?" The therapist asks.

"I guess so." I reply with a simple shoulder shrug, its more like shes gotten to know me. Making me spill all my trauma onto a plate while she eats it up. The only thing i have really learnt about her is that her name is Mandy and she has 2 children. 

"Anyway, I have been thinking about a solution that could possibly help you move forward with your situation, From what you have told me you dont seem to know that much about your fathers past etc. So, I called your mum and asked her if there are any old boxes filled with his things and there is. So i want you to go home tonight and go through it all and look at pictures and anything else that you can find and tomorrow i want you to come back and tell me anything that you have learnt about him. And try and bring peace to yourself,  Does that sound good?" Mandy rants on to me.

I nod and grab my bag and leave the room. The small and dainty blonde therapist closes the large oak wooden door behind me, I leave and head to meet Aliya outside the school gates. I was still so mad at her for telling school about my anxiety because now I'm practically been encouraged to have multiple panic attacks while looking through boxes of my father's things from his 'life'.

My brown long hair bounces as i speed walk down the plain grey concrete with my black scruffy vans. Aliya, is stood by the gate zoning out , yet again. But its always like shes looking at something. Like she cant rip her eyes away from whatever shes looking at.

"Hey Alyia! " I call from 3 meters away from her to pull her back to the harsh reality. Her head jolts to look at me . She smiles at me as i walk over to her. "You ready to go?" I question. 

"Never been more ready, so what are we doing today? Shopping? Cinemas?" Alyia reels off ideas as we start to walk in the direction of my house.

"Nope and Nope. Ive been given homework from that stupid therapist ive been assigned to because of you." I state in a playful tone.

"Well i was in your best interest honestly." We go silent for what feels like forever as we walk along the path. "Well are you going to tell me what this homework is then?" Alyia adds to make conversation.

"I have to look through all of my fathers things. To make 'peace' with myself." I emphasise peace with a hand gesture.


"God these boxes are so heavy." Alyia complains while i hand her them from the attic. Meanwhile, i was inhaling panic while trying to breathe out the stress. Once i got all of the boxes out i climb down the rundown ladders and seal my anxiety in the attic, or well try to. 

I sit down and open the first box. Pictures upon pictures and documents of his life , making me overwhelmed with so many different emotions. I stare down at the pieces of paper. I take out the first thing. A white envelope. my shaky hands open and take out another piece of paper. I open it up, i almost close my eyes , afraid of what this a4 sheet will uncover to me. My eyes skim over the paper before my eyes return back to the top . It reads:

 to whomever this may concern,

                                                                                As i now represent as the towns new mayor , i can confirm that the planning for the two weeks can now go ahead. All of these services must be carried out in public to avoid confusion. If this is not done by my rules there will be consequences. Nico our boss is watching our moves. Dont mess this up. 


I stare at the page. I wonder what he had planned. Not thinking anymore of it i put it back into the box and continue looking. 

After what feels like years of looking through boxes of random and unuseful things i pick out a piece of paper from near the bottom of the box. I open it and find the words AUTOPSY OF MR TED RIIA AMALIA. My heart sinks instantly and my palms become clammy. I didnt want Alyia here while i read this so i think of a stupid excuse so she can leave.

"Alyia, theres nothing here , lets just give up . Plus im really tired too." I fake a yawn mid-sentence to make my statement more believable

"Oh come on Mya we don't have alot left." She tries to convince me to keep going. 

"No Alyia. Im so tired, please. We can carry on tomorrow. Okay?"  I try and convince her while standing up.  She sighs in defeat and gets up.

"We will carry on tomorrow. No ifs or buts. Okay?" She mocks my okay.  I nod and show her out of the house. 

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