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Mya Amalia

I have never done anything like this before. Heck, I've never done any of this at all. The Mafia. Love. Shot a gun. Killed a man. All that crazy shit, just has kind of all merged into one big blur.

I turn my head slightly to see Niall and Louis entering the room. Niall has a big grin on his face and Louis not looking too happy. Well, he's never really happy.

"You'll never guess what just fucking happened." Niall struts behind me to stand next to poppy, who is fiddling with my hair.

"What?" I smile at him, his eyes flicker around mine before he turns his head to look around the room.

"Wheres hairy?"

I cackle at his question before looking at him through the mirror. "Hairy? Niall, are you on something?" I can't help but just laugh at him.

His eyes dart straight back to mine through the mirror. "Just high off life babyyyyyyyyyy"

I stare with confusion "what have you guys done Louis?" I question. I have no fucking clue on what is going on. Where have they been ? From what I was last told they were going to get Niall's medication for his heart.

I hear Louis sigh loudly as I hear his footsteps approach me from the left. " Well this knobhead decided to grab a woman and baby from the chemist after calling me gay and saying that his name is Ben Dover-"

"I'm sorry you stole a woman and baby?!" I raise my voice slightly from the suprise and overwhelming of all of this information.

Niall huffs and smacks Louis at the side of the head after nearly falling onto me. "No. That did not happen, I never stole anyone. I was helping Kia out by saving her from 3 men who were going to shoot her!"

He got her name ? I slightly turn my head to look at Niall. "You got her name?" I say slowly and in a disappointing tone.

Before Niall can say anything else the door opens again and harry comes into my view. I smile when I see him with an iced coffee and a bag of chips. He places them Infront of me before pecking my lips.

"As I was saying. I only got her name because I felt rude to not introduce myself."

"Wait who was shooting?" I question as Niall's words sink.

"What?" Harry speaks up from next to me as his thumb circles on my shoulder.

"Yeah I don't know what that was about but Louis got a heads up about it." Niall shrugs as he looks at his phone, now only giving us half of his attention.

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