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Colorado Springs Part 1-

I laid with Harry for the rest of the way, he also gave me some painkillers so i am able to function for the rest of the day. Once we arrive at the new hotel, Harry helps me inside. I stay by his side as we check-in. My whole body feels so tired and weak. Once again I'm even further away from the boys. I sigh and head to my room. Alone.

I enter my room, this time i have a larger bed and a couple more condiments but apart from that it wasn't any different, I walk over to my bed to see a black outfit with a note on top of it.

' Time to play dress up. Princess.'

I stare at the note for a second before picking up the material off the bed. A black ski mask with a little teardrop design under the eye hole. I look at it for a second before i pick up the rest of the outfit. A black long-sleeved silk bodysuit sits on the bed along with some black sneakers. I stare at it all for a second before grabbing my phone to call Harry.

"Hello" He finally answers.

"hey. Have you got an outfit too?" I question while staring down at my clothes on my bed.

"No. I just have a ski mask and a note to wear all black. What outfit have you got?"

"A ski mask and a silk bodysuit."

"Oh. Well, I will get changed and i will come to get you. So be ready baby." Harry says to me.

"Okay." I say before hanging up the phone. I go over to the mirror and carefully brush my hair before plaiting it into two french braids. I apply some mascara to my lashes before going back over to the bed, I get the silk bodysuit and get changed into it.

I stand in front of my mirror looking at myself, I trace my hands up the curves up my body this makes me feel like a bad bitch. The clothing has a lowcut v shape at the front, exposing my cleavage. A zip holding everything up. I grab my watch and put it back onto my wrist along with a little necklace. Just as i am putting on my socks a nock comes from my door. I stumble a little while i walk over to the door. Harry stands in the doorway, his mask in his hand while he wears his signature black skinny jeans on along with a plain black shirt, his cross necklace hangs on top of his shirt while his hair is messy but pushed back.

"Why hello." He says while panning his eyes up and down my body.

"Hello Mr styles." I smile and step out of the way so he can come into my room. Harry strolls in and sits down on the edge of my bed. He looks around my room, taking in every crevis and corner. I sit down next to him and put on my shoes. I get back up and grab my ski mask before going to stand in front of him. He looks up at me.

"Your so pretty." Harry blurts out, I feel my cheeks go red from embarrassment, I hit his shoulder lightly.

"Oh give over." I chuckle "Do you have any painkillers i can take before we leave?" I question, He looks up at me with a little smirk.

"I had a feeling you was going to ask me that, I also have something else for you." He says before handing me a foil packet with the tablets in along with my phone.

"Omg. I thought someone would have taken it." i say while taking my phone off him. I make eye contact with him.

"Yeah i thought i would grab it for you." He says back to me while scratching his neck.

"Well thank you baby." I grab ahold of his arms for leverage as i lean down and press my lips to his. I hold it for a second before moving my mouth slowly. His lips are slightly wet and the taste of mint withers into my mouth. I kiss his top lip and then his bottom before both together. I love kissing harry, it feels so natural between us. I go to pull away from him but he pulls me back closer to him as his tongue pushes its way into my mouth. He leaves something behind. I know straight away what it is, I pull back and chew on it and sure enough, the taste of mint comes into my mouth, I roll my eyes at him. "Do you like to just give me your old gum or something?" I chuckle as he gets up from his seat.

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