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I hadn't left bed all day until an hour before we were meant to leave. I don't want to accept it, He didn't deserve to have the devils that he had. I simply got out of bed and brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and put on the clothes I had planned for today. 

"Are you ready darling?" My mother asks when she enters my room, her face was raw with tears. I was emotionless. I nod and get up from my small bed, me and my mother interlink arms and head downstairs to where 8 other people that I had only seen a handful of times in my life were stood talking and having a drink. Like they were at a party, I stand with my jaw practically on the floor. I was so mad that they come into my home on a day like this and think its okay to act like this? 

"Are you fucking kidding me." I say I a voice loud enough for everyone to hear me. Immediately everyone turns to look at me, all there faces full of disgust and shock. I could feel my blood starting to boil.

"I don't know why you are looking at me like that, you are all the ones fucking stood in MY living room drinking and talking like your at a fucking party. Well news flash, Your at a fucking Funeral have some respect instead of acting like a bunch of twats like you- " I go on a rant with anger coursing through my veins. Do they have any respect for anyone here? 

"Mya enough." My mother pulls on my arm.

"No mother, they all have no respect. They probably don't even know Ben! They are only here for the shitty fucking brownie points." I say in disgust, gasps come from around the room. Just as my mother is about to pull me out of the room. My father enters to the right of me.

"There here" His voice Is quiet. Me and my mother turn to him and just start crying. This cant be it.


I open my eyes slowly, feeling so worn out and tired I look around, I'm in my room. I can hear a slow beeping noise so turn my head to where the noise is coming from. A machine that looks like something from the hospital sits on my bedside table with wires coming from it, one of them attached to me. I lift my arms and see wires and tubes in my skin, Immediately making me scared. I thought i only had a panic attack. The beeping next to me starts to increase like my heartbeat. Then suddenly A thick Irish accent scares me even more.

"Woah, Woah Mya calm down." Niall approaches my bed. I try and speak but i just cant, my mouth is so dry. I need water, So i start signalling for a drink. Niall catches on quickly and passes me a large glass of cold water, I down the whole cup i gasp for air when i finish. I look back to Niall who is looking at my monitor. 

"Niall what has happened." I manage to say, my throat feels so sore.

"You have been in a coma Mya. When we was at the club the alcohol that you drank was spiked, and then you had a panic attack so your whole body shut down." Niall explains, My heart drops and i feel sick to my stomach. I could feel the water coming back up so i grab the bucket from the side of my bed and throw up the water and whatever was left in my stomach. I groan and lay back down. 

"Why was nobody else spiked though?" I question, i swear i saw Louis drink the same vodka that i did.

"No non of us are really spirit guys, we all prefer beer." He shrugs. I force myself to sit up, My whole body aches as i use my muscles to push myself into a more awake position. Just as i finish moving the door opens and harry walks in. He looks directly at me then at Niall then back to me.

"Niall you prick why didnt you tell me she had woken up?" he raises his voice a little, Making my head hurt. 

"She legit just woke up, didnt you Mya?" Niall shoots his head to look at me, I look over to harry and nod my head.

"Whatever bro, just get the fuck out before i drag you out." Harry opens the door, making light flood into my room, with my eyes not fully adjusted yet i shield my them from the brightness. Shortly after Niall has left Harry rushes over to the bed and sits next to me. 

"Are you alright? You was out for some time." He stares at my side profile, I don't want to look at him because i have just thrown up and i know my breath will not smell good.

"yeah I'm fine just really weak. How long was i in a coma for?" I question while picking at my nail beds.

"A week. It would of only been a day or so but you had a panic attack so it make your whole body go into shock and shut down." Harry tells me. 

I stare at the wall for a couple of minutes. 

"Will i be okay though?" I ask 

"Yeah you should be. I don't see why not, you just need to rest and get plenty of fluid in yourself." He tells me.

I stare at the wall again. My mind replaying that whole night. But i cant remember anything past when me and harry kissed. Oh god me and Harry kissed, I kissed my kidnapper the man I'm the most afraid of, i literally kissed him. 

"Your thinking about that night arent you? " Harry reads my thoughts. I quickly glance at him and then back to the wall in front of us. 

"What no, no I'm not." I try and shrug him off.

"Mya. Dont fucking lie." Harry demands, i sigh. 

"Im just tired. Im okay , and I'm awake you don't need to be in here anymore." I tell harry while staring at the wall. I could hear Harry huff under his breath and then slide off the bed and heads towards the door, He opens it and stands in the doorway for a second before turning around to look at me.

"I was drunk ok." he says with zero emotion before walking out. 

What the fuuck? I need to stop starting chapters with Mya waking up. Any ideas lmao

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