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After 20 Minuets after Harry called someone a knock comes from the door and Harry rushes over to answer it. I could hear them talking from a distance but i was so concentrated on my injury and how much of the bandage is covered in my blood. 

"God man you took fucking ages." I could hear Harry complaining.

"Well im ere arent i?" Another thick British accent catches my attention from the living room, until harry comes back in along with the other person. A man with brown straight short hair walks in behind harry, he too has tattoos riddled all over his arms and a eyebrow piercing. He comes straight over to me before taking off a black backpack and placing it on the table, He then grabs my hand and takes off the bandages. Blood is still gushing out of the wound. 

"Ouch. Thats bad, what was you doing?" he questions, I quickly glance at harry to see if i can speak to him . Harry nods quickly to encourage me.

"I . um was chopping carrots and i got distracted , and i missed the carrot and got my finger instead." I reply, my voice was a little raspy from me screaming in pain. 

"Your lucky because you just about missed an important blood vessel in your finger. Im going to place some rubbing alcohol on it to stop further infections and then im going to fix you up." He tells me while grabbing a bottle of clear liquid out of the bag. I yelp in pain from the rubbing alchol. But after he places pressure onto the wound. He then checks the injury. 

"I will stitch up the cut to stop the bleeding." He tells me. I immediately start to panic because i hate needles and the thought of stiches. 

"Distract me, please i will pass out." I ask in panic. The man turns his head at harry and then back to me, I mimic his actions too

"What do you want to know?" Harry asks.

"Whats his name?" I nod my head to the man infront of me. 

"Louis." Harry tells me.

"Have we met before?" I ask harry a question ive been wanting to know since he kidnapped me. 

"Yes. Only once though." He replies. 

"Whats your favrouite food." I ask 

"I dont have one." He replies. I huff 

"Harry everyone has a food that they like a little bit more than any other food." I respond.

"Well i dont." he replies back. I look back over to louis who is concentrated on my hand.

"What about you Louis? What's your favourite food?" I question. he doesn't lift his head to look at me.

" I don't have a favourite food, but i do have a favourite dish." He tells me still not lifting his head.

"Oh really? What is it. I wanna know." I question with happiness.

"Oh it really doesn't matter." He replies back.

"Please." I beg a little. 

"yeah Louis i want to know too." Harry adds 

"Okay . Its chicken stuffed with mozzarella rapped in Parma ham and some home made mash." He tells us.

"That sounds so nice. I will have to make that sometime." I smile at the top of his head un aware that he cant actually see my reaction. Louis quickly nods. 

"All done." He looks up at me with diamond blue eyes. He glances over to harry. " You owe me." He points at him before packing all his things up. "Here you might want put this on it when you go to bed or something." Louis hands me a roll of bandages before heading out of the kitchen with harry. 

After Louis leaves, It is pretty late so me and harry go to our rooms. 


I couldn't help but think about what harry said, and how we have met before. I lay in bed thinking back through all my memories searching for his bright green eyes until it clicks. I met him at that bar, 2 days before he took me. 


5 boys sit in a booth, with girls swarming them like flies. I sit down and take a large sip of my drink. I could hear giggles and deep voices behind me coming from the booth next to us. Then suddenly, 2 of them come infront of our table and slide in next to us. I could feel my anxiety rise to the roof as a man with piercing green eyes sits next to me, the scent of vanillar tobacco filling my lungs.

"Hey." His deep raspy voice makes me shudder to my core.

"Um hi." I reply back shyly.

At the other side of the table, Alyia sits with a man with blonde and ocean blue eyes . I look back at the man next to me. His jawline prominent and i could clearly see a lip ring and eyebrow piercing. "Whats your name?" I ask in politeness. His emerald eyes look straight through my soul.

"Im Styles, and you must be?" He announces his name.

"Mya." I smile before taking another large swig of my drink

I lay in confusion. Harry never told me his name. He only told me his name was styles. But its him, because his name his harry styles. The same man who my father knows. 

Wait my father knows him? Is that who harry styles is. Is he THE harry that signed my fathers autopsy?

Comment and vote besties<3

Mya is kinda lacking isn't she?

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