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Im awaken to the touch of someone stroking my head, I slowly open my eyes expecting to see Harry next to me. Im immediately freaked out when I realise im alone in here. I sit up and rub my eyes, My head hurting even more than it was earlier. "What the fuck." I mumble under my breath to myself , still freaked out at the fact I've just felt the touch of someone, I yawn and get out of bed and go over to harrys ensuite. I flick on the light and look at myself in his large light up mirror. I look a mess, mascara is all over my face and my hair is a mess. I quickly turn the tap on and wash my face, not only in an attempt to wash off all the left over makeup but to wake myself up a little bit. I run my fingers through my hair and put a little bit of toothpaste on my finger and place it into my mouth. Im seriously going to have to move some of my things into Harry's bathroom if im going to be staying here more often. 

I go back into his room and look go over to his drawers i search through them until I find a pair of plain black shorts. I grin at them knowing full well they are going to be mine forever, before sliding them on, I come out of his room and head downstairs. The whole house is silent, Has harry gone out? he's not in the living room, I head into the kitchen and to my surprise, harry is sat on a stool in the kitchen with a plate of toast in front of him while he scrolls on his phone. So then who touched me? Was i hallucinating? I cant of been it felt too real, Was it my own hand? God im so confused. I go further into the kitchen and head over to the fridge. I grab the fresh fruit and yoghurt that harry bought when he went grocery shopping the other day. I make myself some breakfast and go sit on the other side of the island to him, We sit in silence as i eat my food and harry doesn't take his eyes off his phone. I stand up and wash my bowl, I turn around and see that he has taken his attention off his phone and is now staring at me. 

"Good afternoon." His voice is welcoming i smile at him. 

"Good afterno- Wait its the afternoon?" I realise, I go over to him and pick up his phone and turn it on. The same picture of me and him flash up I feel my chest warm a little as i check the time, it reads '2:46PM'. I gasp and tap harrys arm lightly. "Why didn't you come wake me up?" I lecture him a little. He rolls his eyes at me playfully before taking my hand into his. 

"Well we had nothing planned for today so i thought i would let you have a little sleep in." Harry explains to me. 

"Oh fair enough then. Do you have any painkillers by any chance?" I question him as i feel like my head was going to fall out of my ears. Harry looks behind me at a cabinate. 

"Yeah babe, In that cupboard over there." He points. I go over and open it up, Im taken back when i see bricks of white powder and stacks of money. I turn around to harry with a concerned look on my face. 

"So which is the painkillers then." I half laugh. 

"Wrong one." Harry gets up from his seat and goes over to a cabinate next to me. He opens it up and hands me a little box with the label 'Paracetmol' On it, I grin at him and grab a glass to fill it up with water. I take the medication and go back over to the island, Harry is back to scrolling on his phone again. I go stand next to him with my half-empty glass. 

"What are you always looking at?" I ask before taking a sip of my drink, Harry glances at me before shutting off his phone.

"Business shit, Nothing too serious." Harry shrugs before pulling my waist to sit on his knee, I hop on and position myself comfortably. His large hand holds my outer thigh to support me. I finish the rest of my drink before looking at him over my shoulder. His hair is untamed and his green eyes stare right back at me. I lean over to him and press my cold wet lips against his, I move my mouth slowly as i adjust myself so i can kiss him more easily. His tongue pushes its way through my lips. His hand moves from his leg to my neck as he holds me still so he can deepen the kiss. His lips are soft and warm, I kiss his upper lip and then the bottom before kissing both of them at the same time. I pull back at him with a little grin on my face while i stare at his features as if i was going to be tested on them in any minute."What?" He grins back at me. I quickly peck his lips three times before moving my way down to his neck, In a quick decision, i suck on his neck making sure that it leaves a mark. I pull back and admire my work on his neck before doing it again, Harrys hands move my legs so im turned sideways. I look back at him, my lips a little swollen. "Your mine now." I smirk devilishly. In one motion Harry leans over to the crook of my neck and sucks at the skin , igniting my skin with his touch. I uncontrollably moan under my breath. I hear harry chuckle a little at me. I grab ahold of his head and tear it away from my neck and press my lips against his, i hold the sides of his face as i hold the kiss. I let go of his face and hold the kiss for a couple more seconds before stopping. I look down at my hands for a second before staring into his eyes. 

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