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Me Niall and Liam have all come back from a job for JB today. We normally finish around 5PM but some stupid ass mother fucker thought it was a good idea to pick up the wrong bag so we had to go back to swap them over. So its about 9PM when I arrive home, I unlock the door and take off my shoes. My stupid big feet have been killing me all day. I wonder if Mya will rub them better. Speaking of which the house is super quiet she must be in bed. I head to the kitchen to eat my tea, I specifically asked her to make for me. But of fucking course there's no food there. Pissed off i go to the fridge, immediately i cringe when my foot becomes soaked in water. What the actual fuck is Mya playing at, all her cleaning shit is all over my marble floors. 

"Mya!" i shout loud enough that it should get her to wake up. Getting no response pisses me off even more. I slam the fridge shut and storm towards the stairs. That fucking little bitch is ignoring me, I get to her room. My foot still fucking wet i push the door wide open, to see her room the exact same as when i checked on her this morning, apart from there is no mya in the bed. Her bedsheets are still unmade especially since when it was one of her tasks to make the beds.

I pan my eyes around the room when i see a white note on her door. Curiously i go to the note and stare at the writing:

'You take my shit, I take your bitch.'

Huh. Im sorry but what the fuck is this. is she playing some sort of stunt on me? It clicks in my head who its actually from, the answer flickers on in my head like a lightbulb. For fucks sake. I knew this was going to happen, I rush back out of her room and go to the kitchen for my phone. I ring Niall straight away.


'Its happened'


I open my tired eyes. I must of passed out from the panic attack, I immediately start becoming frantic again when my senses realise that it wasn't a bad dream and that the fact i still have a bag over my head with my mouth, writs and ankles have all been tied up. My eyes move in all directions while i try and decipher any familiar surroundings on where i am Until my eyes become blinded when the bag is ripped from my face. I squint before widening my eyes to see who has taken me. Two older and bald men stand in front of me, they are both dressed in black and have a small potbelly. They looked a lot like security or a bouncer from a nightclub, I stare at them dead in the eyes, Muffling cries and pleads into the grey tape over my mouth before they move to the side to reveal another man sat in a chair opposite me, Sat in a relaxed position with the same mask on as before they watch me cry and plead and scream into the tape on my mouth. He stands and walks towards me, my head follows them while my hands begin to become sweaty, They dip their head down to become eye level with me. He pulls the mask above his face so it sits on his forehead, My tears stop flowing and my pleads stop calling. When i realise who this man is:

"Now, Now princess. There's no need to cry." he pauses "Nobody can hear you anyway."


Sorry for the second cliffhanger. But what doesn't a good story have cliffhangers?

Who do you think it is? Let me know :)

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